本研究目的在參採健康信念模式為依據而設計之衛教課程,以台南市安平區三個社區的民眾為研究對象,評量經由衛教課程介入後所產出的結果,探討年長者對健康意識、健康行為與生活品質間之關聯。 正式問卷調查施測日期為2017年4月25日至2017年5月15日,問卷回收後先行剔除無效之問卷,回收問卷62份,有效問卷62份,有效回收率100%。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析進行統計分析。 研究結果如下:「健康意識」對「自覺行動障礙」有顯著影響;「健康意識」對「行動線索」有顯著影響;「自覺行動利益性」對「健康行為」有顯著影響;「自覺行動障礙」對「健康行為」有顯著影響;「行動線索」對「健康行為」有顯著影響。本研究結果期望能提供給醫院之社區單位作為日後舉辦社區衛教之參考方向。 The purpose of this study is to study the health education model based on the concept of health belief. There are three communities of Anping District in Tainan City to be our objects. The evaluation of the results showed us after the intervention by the health education curriculum to explore health awareness, health behavior and quality of life of the elderly. Formal questionnaires were investigated from April 25, 2017 to May 15, 2017. After the questionnaires were collected, invalid questionnaires were removed first and 62 effective questionnaires were remained. Therefore, the valid questionnaires were 62 and the effective response rate was 100%. We applied statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, independent T-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: "health awareness" has a significant impact on "conscious action disorder" "health awareness" has a significant impact on "action clues" "conscious action interest" has a significant impact on "healthy behavior" " "Has a significant impact on" healthy behavior "" action clues "have a significant impact on" healthy behavior ". The results of this study are expected to be available to the hospital community as a reference for future community health education.