摘要: | 近年來,由於網際網路及科技的發達,上網人數如雨後春筍般的踴躍,使用社群行銷成為值得重視的新潮流。企業在強化傳統行銷活動的過程中,若能以網路行銷輔之,亦或是能將社群行銷發揮到最大效益,便可獲得如虎添翼之效。加上,近幾年臺灣觀光服務產業市場的蓬勃發展,?遊型態在2017年觀光政策中,研訂「Tourism 2020-臺灣永續觀光發展策略」,以「創新永續,打造在地幸福產業」、「多元開拓,創造觀光附加價值」為目標,透過「開拓多元市場、推動國民旅遊、輔導產業轉型、發展智慧觀光及推廣體驗觀光」等5大發展策略,期藉由整合觀光資源,發揮臺灣獨有的在地產業優勢,讓觀光旅遊不只帶來產值,也能發揮社會力、就業力及國際競爭力。而現今已進入行動、雲端、社群的新時代,觀光產業的發展也正面臨轉型的階段,如何有效整合資訊工具,同時建立在地旅遊文化與特色,結合溫泉、文化觀光與生態旅遊等活動,正是許多原住民鄉鎮可創造發展的最佳契機。
原民鄉鎮有著重要的觀光資源「溫泉」,因擁有相當優質的溫泉水質,具有開發為觀光主體的條件與需求。而溫泉資源自古即為居住於此的原住民利用迄今,亦為一項具有歷史、人文背景之資源,可與當地成熟發展的觀光地區串聯,形成一極具發展潛力觀光地帶,進而促進金峰鄉觀光事業發展及地方經濟繁榮。本研究盼運用科技便利的特點,結合地方觀光資源環境,除使用文獻資料蒐集、現地調查為研究方法外,並為該鄉建置系統(觀光景點自動化語音導覽系統、觀光遊程規劃平台、觸控式景點導覽機系統)為其工具,搭配Facebook粉絲專頁的經營,讓系統使用者及遊客能充分掌握當地資訊,最後再以SWOT與策略組合進行交叉模擬分析,以發揮優勢、掌握機會、克服威脅、彌補劣勢之原則為基礎,研擬各配套策略,以達成採用網路行銷活絡原住民溫泉觀光地區為目標。 In recent years, due to the development of Internet and technology, the number of Internet users has increased significantly, and the use of social media marketing has been on notion of new trend. During the process of reinforcing the traditional marketing campaigns, if an enterprise adopts Internet marketing as auxiliary means of social media marketing, the enterprise could be quite beneficial on it. The Taiwan tourism industry market is booming these years, and the 2017 tourism policies include the “Tourism 2010: Taiwan Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy” for the purposes of “bringing forth new ideas for sustainable development and creating the real estate happiness industry” and “diversifying development and creating added value of tourism”. Through five development strategies of “opening up diverse markets, promoting national tourism, guiding industrial transformation, developing intelligent tourism and popularizing experience tourism”, it is expected that Taiwan’s unique strengths in the real estate industry can be utilized by means of integrating tourism resources so as to bring production value from tourism and to enhance social force, employability and international competitiveness. In the new era of mobile technology, cloud system and social media, also the tourism industry has come to the age of transformation. How to effectively integrate information tools, these combine with hot-springs, ecological and cultural tourism can help many aboriginal villages and towns to develop creative tourism.
Aboriginal villages and towns have the important tourism resources--"hot springs". With high-quality hot springs, the aboriginal villages and towns have good elements and requirements for the development of tourism. The resource of hot springs has been used by the aborigines since ancient times, and it is also a resource with the historical and cultural background. By linking the resources with local developed tourist areas, where have highly potential of boosting Jinfeng Townships’ tourism development and economic prosperity.
This research intends to use the characteristics of scientific and technological convenience with the combination of the local tourism resources and environment. Additionally, the application of literature collection and field survey as the research methods, by using the systems (tourist spots automated voice guiding system, a tour planning and design platform, and a touch screen panel of attractions guiding machine system) incorporate with boosting Facebook fan page post, the system users and tourists can fully grasp the local information. And finally SWOT and strategy combination are adopted for cross simulation analysis. Based on the principle of taking full advantages, grasping opportunities, overcoming threats and making up for weaknesses, matched strategies are discussed and drawn up to achieve the goal of aboriginal hot-spring tourist areas via Internet marketing. |