本研究選擇該廠區外之上下風100至200公尺處及廠區內之下料坑、原料儲存區、成品倉與辦公室採集污染物異臭味氣體與量測總懸浮微粒與懸浮微粒之質量濃度,透過周界異味強度官能測定確認須處理之異味污染源有下料坑、原料儲存區與成品倉,異味官能測定之平均異味濃度依序為下料坑256,原料儲存區194與成品倉114,廠內高濃度可能經過逸散而使廠區外周界濃度受到顯著影響(周界異臭味濃度標準為30)。同時3處污染源之PM2.5平均濃度,高於我國室內空氣品質標準35 μg/m3達 1.2~ 2.3倍之多,該廠員工若長期暴露在此高濃度的PM2.5的環境下,將會影響身體健康。 Fishery feedstuff are made of lower-classed fishes with less economic or the rinsing of seafood or freshwater products. Within the procedure of cooking, liquid and solid separation, and drying, the emission of the dryer machine, containing trimethylamine and other odorous gas or substances, usually are the major sources of the odor and have been a public concern. The neighbors living around the fishery feedstuff plant always complain the bad smell and odor could reduce the environmental quality. The aims in this study was to find out and measure the emission sources of the odor and fine particle during the procedure of manufacturing fishery feedstuffs. Analyzing the procedure of manufacturing fishery feedstuffs, the odor and particulate matters in 6 locations such as raw warehouse, well-package house, blending procedure, and business office in factory, the position about 100 to 200 meters away from the upwind and downwind of plant also were sampled individually. In case of this study, each location had various odor concentration within 3 different working time, the average odor value was 256 at blending procedure, 194 at raw warehouse and 114 at well-package house. The odor standard around ambient air is 30 at industrial and agricultural area. It is obvious that this fishery feedstuff plant should consider the available control technology or devices to reduce the odor emission to improve the troubled pollution.