本研究主要是以台南市佳里區延平國小為例,探討引進社區資源對於學校推動芝麻栽種本位課程的影響,進一步探討不同身份別對於環境認同感的顯著差異關係。本研究以問卷作為研究資料蒐集的主要工具,發放問卷對象為延平國小學生家長、志工及社區民眾,抽樣時間為民國105年9月20日至105年10月15日,實際發放問卷共計110份,回收有效問卷103份,有效問卷回收率93.6%;並透過IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 統計軟體,進行各項統計分析。
本研究之結果與相關建議,期盼能作為台南市延平國小日後與社區合作的參考,提供相關教育工作者實務上的參考。 The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of community resources on promoting the sesame plant school based course of elementary schools, Yanping Elementary School, Jiali District, Tainan City. Further analysis was conducted to investigate on the significant difference of the background variables. A total of 110 questionnaires were passed to parents of students, volunteers and residents and 103 were collected valid. The data collected were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 19 for Descriptive Statistics. The following conclusions were reached as follows:
In terms of both the positive satisfaction and five-point Likert-type scale, the results showed that the sesame plant school based course received high recongnition. In contrast, the negative effect of the the sesame plant school based course on academic performance, conventional farming and use of pesticide demonstrated relatively low recongnitions. Both conventional farming and use of pesticide with low recognitions, undoubtedly, describted the current phenomenon of over reliance on pesticides in Taiwan. Among background variables, the most number of statistic significance resulted from the questionnaire was the factor of age. In the meantime, the least number of statistic significance resulted from the questionnaire was the factor of sex.
The result of this investigation was expected to promote both the the relationship between community and Yanping Elementary School and the implementation of the sesame plant school based course in the future.