本研究也發現當金屬鹽含浸濃度越高,其降解率不會隨著濃度大幅提升,推測錳、鎂金屬濃度在0.1%時就有較好的降解效率,且pH值要維持在鹼性條件下才不會有金屬溶出之現象。 This investigation prepared catalytic ozonation catalyst with ceramic support and manganese and magnesium were used as the active metal on the surface support . Prepared catalysts were applied for catalytic ozonation reactor to decompose toxic DMSO effluent in the wastewater. In this this study, the hydrogen oxide radical generation and producing efficiency were investigated and correlated to the reaction condition, characteristics of the catalyst, and concentration of ozone. It was found that all types of catalysts presented higher activity to produce hydrogen oxide free radical with 0.1wt% active metal coating on the support of catalyst at the basic condition at room temperature. On the other hand, the serious leaching effect was found in the case of the acidic condition and then the activity was lose after active metal dissolved in the reaction. The ozonation performance of catalysts were confirmed by catalytic ozonation of DMSO solution by measuring the TOC removal. It was found that both manganese and magnesium catalysts presented higher oxidation efficiency with increasing activated metal loading upper than 0.1 wt% on the catalysts. All of those catalysts showed over 90% TOC removal under the basic condition in the ozonation tests. In the life time tests, all the catalysts presented high catalytic ozonation performance in the reactor. It also confirmed that the amount of leaching metal was strongly depend on the basic condition. Almost no leaching was found pH higher than 8 in the catalytic ozonation reaction.