本研究目的以電芬頓程序,去除新興污染物產生的乙醯胺基酚廢水的可行性研究,以達到低污染最佳處理效果之降解試驗。新興污染物為近十年來受到關注的環境問題,被歸類為藥物與個人保健品(PPCPs);此類污染物普遍出現各種環境介質於日常生活中,為持久性有機污染物,不易於環境中分解。新興污染物可能的來源為:個人不當的棄置藥物(例如:藥物丟至馬桶)、藥品空罐任意丟棄、醫療廢水、工廠排放廢水等。而在PPCPs中,最廣泛使用的藥物為乙醯胺基酚,故已此為本研究之目標污染物。此物質雖然極微量不具強烈毒性,但不代表它對環境以及人類不會有負面的影響。因此本研究目標為利用Electro-Fenton程序,屬於高級氧化程序(AOPs)的一種,去除乙醯胺基酚模擬廢水,以利實際應用時可以作為參考依據。研究結果顯示,在Electro-Fenton程序中,電流確實可以提高乙醯胺基酚之降解速率。而亞鐵離子與過氧化氫濃度的增加,也須注意添加量濃度的高低,這些都會影響Fenton系統中對於有機物之氧化能力。實驗以pH=2與電流1.5A為固定條件。亞鐵離子濃度試驗,亞鐵離子條件為1.0mM,過氧化氫最佳參數為20mM,去除率為96%。過氧化氫濃度試驗,過氧化氫條件為25mM,亞鐵離子最佳參數為0.8mM,去除率為100%。兩者條件都可以達到乙醯胺基酚良好之去除效率。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the Electro-Fenton process feasibility in the removal of Acetaminophen (ACT) from the wastewater. Electro-Fenton process was employed in order to achieve the best ACT degradation and removal.Acetaminophen,a non-prescription,analgesic,antipyretics,and anti-inflammatory drug(ex.Panadol),is defined by the Environmental Protection Administration as a new water contaminant or an "emerging contaminant" and is classified as one of the Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs). As an emerging contaminant, ACT presents risks both in human health and ecosystem. ACT is also an Over-the-Counter (OTC) drug which indicates that its use is very convenient to any patient. Although this substance is very small and not very toxic, it does not mean that it will not have a negative impact on the environment and humans. Therefore, the objective of this study is to use Electro-Fenton process to remove ACT from simulated wastewater, and to facilitate practical applications. This study can be used as a reference by the future researchers.ACT degradation was examined by varying ferrous ion (Fe2+) concentrations and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations with fixed current supply at 1.5A and fixed pH=2.0. ACT removal rate reached 96% when Fe2+ concentration is at 1.0mM and H2O2 concentration is at 20mM, based on Fe2+ concentration test. On the other hand, based on H2O2 concentration test, a 100% removal rate was acheived when Fe2+ concentration is at 0.8mM and H2O2 concentration is at 25mM. In conclusion, both conditions can be used in order to achieve a good ACT removal efficiency.