綜合全部垃圾採樣分析結果,發現垃圾中非公告應回收之一般垃圾合計含量達57.64%,應回收資源物合計含量達42.36%,其中包括屬基管會公告應回收廢容器類合計為12.07%、屬基管會公告應回收廢物品類合計為0.05%、屬執行機關應回收項目合計為10.48%、屬執行機關自行增加應回收項目(廚餘類)合計為19.76%,及非公告回收項目之一般垃圾合計為57.64%。顯示目前垃圾中可回收物比例甚高,顯示未來資源回收工作仍然有成長空間。 Totally 52 samples of the municipal solid waste (MSW) were collected at the storage pits and the dumping platforms in 18 MSW incinerator around Taiwan in this study. The analyses were carried in the laboratory to evaluate the recyclable contents in the MSW such as responsible parts announced by Environmental Protective Adminstration (cotainers and articles), announced by every Environmental Protective Bureau and needed to be collected by every implemention authorities.
Accroding to the research results, it was found that the average content of the recyclable content in the storage pits averaged 42.86% and that in the dumping platforms averaged 37.71%. Meantime, the container content reached 12.46% and the article content only reached 0.03% in the storage pits. In the case of samples collected on the dumping platforms, the recyclable content in the MSW from the incerators of northern Taiwan reached an average of 53.32% and that in the samples from 12 administrative areas in Tainan reached an average of 30.75%.
Summarily, the non-recyclable and the recyclable content in the MSW of Taiwan were 57.64%, and 42.36%, respectively. There is still high necessarity of promoting the effencicy of MSW resource separation to reduce the final amounts of MSW treated by incinerators.