近年來食安事件層出不窮,使得正確的營養觀念及食品安全知識更形重要。有鑑於正確的飲食觀念應從小扎根,因此本研究以某國小五、六年級學童為研究對象,藉由舉辦闖關遊戲帶入營養及食安觀念,探討學童在相關知識、態度、行為等方面的影響情形。研究方法﹕以台南市某國小校慶當日設計的闖關遊戲的營養及食品安全內容為主要參考依據進行問卷設計,問卷包括基本資料、營養及食品安全知識、營養及食品安全態度、營養及食品安全行為等三大部份,經過專家效度分析以及學童預測後實施。問卷於闖關遊戲活動前、後發給該校五、六年級班級進行前測、後測。結果﹕前測回收的有效問卷有532份、後測則有364份。將問卷中各項問題之正確率按同一題前測及後測的分別去作比較。結果發現在知識和行為方面,許多題目的後測正確率較前測為高及有著顯著差異性(p<0.05),態度部份則較無顯著差異,而在平均總分的部份,知識和行為也有著正向的差異性。結論認為營養闖關遊戲對於國小高年級生在營養及食安的認知上有著正向的幫助。 Nutritional education with game is a popular activity to elemental school students. We aim to investigate the changes of knowledge, attitudes, behavior in nutrition and food security concept after the camping game intervention.Methods: The questionnaire was designed based on the nutrition and food safety contents of camping game. The questionnaire included basic information, knowledge, attitude and behavior of nutrition and food safety. After expert analysis of the validity, the 5th and 6th grade students in one elementary school in Tainan city were asked to fill the questionnaire before and after game intervention. Independent samples T test was carried out to analyze the difference between before and after game intervention and after game intervention. The correlation was analyzed with chi-squared test.Results: 532 and 364 valid copies of questionnaire were collected before and after game intervention, respectively. The results showed that in the knowledge and behavior, the posteriori accuracy of many cases is better than the previous test and there is significant difference (p<0.05), the attitude part has no significant difference, and in the average total part of the knowledge and behavior also present a positive difference. Conclusion: It is concluded that the nutritional camping game provide a positive effect on the cognition of nutrition and food security for these elementary school students.