摘要: | 《袁氏世範》被譽為《顏氏家訓》之亞,為宋代家訓作品中頗具盛名的著作。袁采身為地方縣令,剛正不阿,嚴以律己。著作此書希冀達到「厚人倫,而美習俗」的目的。書中內容分為三卷,分別是睦親、處己與治家。條列式的寫作方式使人易於閱讀,讀者能體會到袁采的觀察入微與用心良苦。
本文重在探討袁采《袁氏世範》對現代家庭教育的啟示,首章緒論述動機目的。第二章探究宋代家訓發展的背景、蓬勃發展的原因。第三章針對袁采所身處的時代背景與個人生平做進一步的瞭解,藉以探知作者著書的理念與想法。第四章進行內容的歸納與整理,透過家庭倫理觀、婚姻養育觀及治家經濟觀三方面來闡述其思想內涵,從內在人倫關係,到外在的家族經營,探知袁采對家訓的重視。第五章則以現代的家庭教育出發,論述現代家庭教育式微的原因及挑戰,再提出相關的對策,歸納出五項《袁氏世範》對現今家庭教育的啟發作用。第六章結論。期望透過本文之研究,借鏡《袁氏世範》具備前瞻且實用的概念,能對現代的家庭教育問題提供有益的意見。 Yuan Ts’ai’s Shis Fan is acclaimed as the second best in the Family instructions of Master Yan. It is a quite well-known masterpiece among all the family precepts in the Song Dynasty. As a county magistrate, Yuan Ts’ai was upright and plainspoken, and strict with himself. The book is expected to serve the purpose of “strengthen human relationships, and ameliorate convention.” Divided into three parts, On Harmony in the Family, On Conducting Oneself, and On Home Managing respectively, this book is easy to read with its listing writing style, and after studying, we can discern Yuan Ts’ai’s delicate observation and well-intentionedness.
This research is focused on the enlightenment of Yuan Ts’ai’s Shis Fan on Modern Family Education. The first chapter mentions the research purpose, and Chapter 2 investigates the development background of the family instructions in the Song Dynasty and the reasons of its prosperity. Chapter 3 is aimed at understanding more about the historical context and personal life of Yuan Ts’ai to explore the ideas and thoughts behind the book. Chapter 4 generalizes and arranges the content, and elaborates the real thoughts from three perspectives, family ethics, marriage and childbearing, and home managing economics. From the inner human relationships to the outer family management, it is clear to see how Yuan Ts’ai put emphasis on family instructions. Starting from modern family education, Chapter 5 discusses the reasons and challenges of the decline of modern family education, further proposes the relevant strategies, and summarizes the five items from Yuan Ts’ai’s Shis Fan as the enlightenment on modern family education. Chapter 6, the summary, is expected to put forward the ideas that are beneficial to implementation and improvement for the problems of modern family education via this research, and the forward-looking and practical concepts from Yuan Ts’ai’s Shis Fan. |