化粧品在原料儲存、生產或運輸的過程中可能會有微生物的汙染而使產品滋長微生物。如果沒有添加抗菌劑或是經由適當的滅菌處理,微生物處於適合生長的環境就會滋長。實驗以大腸桿菌、痤瘡丙酸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、綠膿桿菌、乳酸菌作為挑戰菌。抑菌圈試驗檢測防腐劑的抗菌活性,防腐效能試驗確保防腐系統的抗菌能力足以支撐到保存期限,以及探討是否添加越多防腐劑抗菌能力就越好。實驗對影響抗菌能力的因素做了檢測,防腐劑在低濃度和低添加劑量的條件下是沒有足夠的抗菌能力,在高溫的環境下防腐劑抗菌能力會受到破壞,但醇類具有耐熱性。當辛二醇作為防腐劑的溶劑時,可以增強防腐劑的抗菌活性,但混合醇類溶劑會造成較差的效果。安息香酸或葡萄醣-δ-內酯和其他防腐劑一起使用的話,對痤瘡丙酸桿菌的抗菌活性會加強。苯醇、苯氧乙醇、丙酸鈉和其他防腐劑一起使用時,會降低大部分防腐劑的抗菌活性。本研究探討了影響防腐系統抗菌能力的因素,防腐系統的抗菌能力不是添加越多防腐劑抗菌能力就會越強。在大部分添加苯醇和苯氧乙醇的實驗,對痤瘡丙酸桿菌的抗菌能力都會產生比較差的效果,了解藥品之間一起使用時是否會影響抗菌能力,針對不同的菌種選擇添加的藥品,不斷的檢驗和確效才能使配方有完善的抗菌能力保障。 There may be microbial contamination in process of cosmetics raw material storage,manufacture or transportation. Microorganism will grow in suitable environment if not adding antibacterial agents or sterilizing appropriately.Escherichia coli,Propionibacterium acnes,Staphylococcus aureus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Lactobacillus paracasei are used in experiments. Antibacterial activity of preservatives was detected by Inhibition zone test,for example,is it expired before the expiration date?whether adding more preservatives would make it better or not.We did the experiments and then found that the cosmetics preservative system has poor effect in the conditon such as high temperature,light concentaton,low dose. Alcoholic solvents are suitable for high temperature condition and octylene glycol is the best solvent,but mixed alcoholic solvents will get worse effect. The preservatives added Benzoic acid and Glucono delta-lactone is more useful to Propionibacterium acnes. The preservatives added Benzyl alcohol,Phenoxyethanol and sodium propionate has poor effect usually.I focused on which effect on the cosmetics preservatives system in the research,and I found that different additives have different effects on preservatives. The efficiency doesn't depend on more additives you use,for example,I got worse effects to Propionibacterium acnes in most experiments added Phenoxyethanol and Benzyl alcohol. Finally, we should do more test to ensure efficiency of the system of preservatives in cosmetics.