摘要: | 現今許多天然之萃取物、活性成分添加到化粧品中,但這些天然萃取物、活性成分容易受到光照、熱,以及接觸空氣產生氧化等因素,而改變性質降低功效且變得不易保存,因而在本研究中,以天然高分子為載體包覆天然萃取物、活性成分,觀察載體的安定性及有效性,而後再選擇一種安定性佳的配方與其他化粧品基劑一起調製成護膚保養品,製備出乳霜、乳液、面膜液、化粧水、凍膜,並且檢測其各項保養品的安定性、物理性質以及皮膚功效性質。 In recent years, although people have added nature of the extracts to makeup is a trend, these extracts’ active and elements are easily affected by light, heat, contact with air, and other reasons, sresulting to alter active.Add nature extracts’ active and elements to makeup often let it have color change and precipitation, so this study purpose is avoid these problems.
Production process, First, expected the nature of the extracts use water extraction .Second, use a polymeric material cover the nature extracts’ active and elements .Finally, use the cover’s polymeric material to modulation skincare products with others basic ingredients of makeup. Then, it would able to manufacture cream,lotion,mask,toning water,essence,jelly mask with nature of the extracts and active.This process will avoid precipitation in addition to color have obviously change.
This study is in accordance with school’s formula for reference and learning in classes, thus to deployment cream,lotion,mask,toning water,essence,jelly mask by myself. Then, detection their stability, physical properties and utility. |