乳酸菌可藉由分泌抑菌物質等方式抑制病原菌生長,近年來發現乳酸菌可改善陰道炎。因此,本研究由22-30歲之台灣女性共23位之私密處採樣並進行選擇性培養以篩選乳酸菌,共有7個樣品屬於乳酸菌,進一步以API 50CHL套組及聚合酶連鎖反應擴增16S核糖體RNA基因序列定序進行鑑定,發現分離菌株多屬於腸球菌屬。本實驗進一步探討分離菌株對於陰道炎主因之一的白色念珠菌之抑菌效果,結果顯示分離菌株對於白色念珠菌無抑菌效果。由於陰道環境及陰道炎的成因複雜,針對本實驗分離菌株發展為化妝品原料之可能,尚需進一步探討與研究。 Lactic acid bacteria can produce antibacterial substances and inbihit the growth of pathogens. Recent studies showed that lactic acid bacteria may alleviate vaginitis. In this study, vaginal swabs were obtained from 23 females in Taiwan, aged between 22 and 30 years old. Seven strains of lactic acid bacteria were isolated by selective culture. Identification of these strains by API 50CHL kit and polymerase chain reaction followed by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis indicated that all strains isolated belong to Enterococcus. The results revealed that strains isolated in this study showed no antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, a major pathogen in vaginitis. Due to the complexity in vaginal environment and various causes of vaginitis, further research will be needed to investigate the potential of these strains used in cosmetics.