社群媒體的出現,可以讓人們與成千上萬人溝通,增強了消費者之間的訊息流通。這種特點增加消費者對於網路平台資訊的掌握度及主導權,從以往企業只能單方面告知消費者產品的資訊、主要功能與品牌定位,轉變成與消費者間能夠進行雙向溝通、分享討論訊息,使得消費者能夠掌握到更多資訊做為購買時決策的依據。 目前許多知名美容美體 SPA 業者也積極投入社群媒體行銷的經營,雖然社群媒體行銷對於美容美體業的經營有顯著的影響,但是相關的研究仍屬闕如。因此本研究採用質性研究中的個案分析法探討台灣美容美體企業如何選擇社群媒體行銷、如何應用社群媒體行銷與如何發展社群媒體行銷之操作模式。在參考過去文獻,對台灣美容美體產業目前的狀況、社群媒體的應用與行銷的模式,做出通盤了解與初步分析後,將整理設計出研究所需的訪談大綱,透過實際訪談在台灣本地經營美容美體 SPA 的企業中從事社群媒體企劃及執行工作之相關人員,以便了解個別廠商在社群媒體上的選擇、操作流程與應用模式。 本研究之主要發現及其重要意涵,分別為:(1) AISAS?銷理論的轉變。(2)不同規模的美容美體公司應用社群媒體行銷之操作模式不同。(3) FB是美容美體產業重要的社群媒體網站。(4)內容、口碑與影響力行銷是美容美體產業經營社群媒體的重要因素。 The emergence of social media allows individuals to communicate with thousands of people and enhances the flow of information between consumers. This feature increases the degree of control and dominance of the information about the Internet platform. In the past, the enterprise can only inform the consumers of the information, the main function and the brand positioning, whereas the enterprise and consumers can communicate and share information with each other through social media. Consequently, consumers can achieve more information and utilize it to make better purchase decisions. Nowadays, many well-known beauty industry practitioners are also actively engaged in social media marketing. Despite the critical impacts of social media marketing on the management of the beauty industry, relevant research is still limited. Therefore, this study employs the case analysis of qualitative approaches to investigate how the beauty enterprises in Taiwan choose their own social media, how they apply social media marketing practices, and how they develop their operation mode of social media marketing. After a comprehensive understanding of relevant literature, the current situation of the beauty industry, and the mode of application of social media marketing, the researcher developed the interview outline of this study. Accordingly, this study endeavors to understand how the three selected beauty companies actually operate their social media marketing practices through the in-depth interviews with the employees involving in the related works. The main findings of this study are: (1) the marketing mode of AISAS has changed into the AISAES mode (2) various sized beauty companies apply and operate social media marketing practices differently (3) FB is the most popular and important social networking site for the beauty industry in Taiwan (4) content, word-of-mouth, and influence marketing are the critical factors for managing social networking sites in the beauty industry.