隨著養生觀念逐漸受到重視,中草藥漸漸盛行,中草藥加工前處理,影響著後續產品之品質,中草藥在現今社會中被廣泛利用,除了在養生方面,中草藥也常運用在化妝品上,而在中草藥使用前之保存是非常重要的,中草藥若保存不當會造成中草藥霉變,也可能因為害蟲而改變中草藥原有之藥效,為了延長中草藥的效率及保存期限,為此進行研究。利用綠色消毒劑二氧化氯以薰蒸的方式對四種不同中草藥進行消毒前後以及需電力乾燥箱對中草藥保存情形之比較,從中尋找最適之二氧化氯操作濃度與最適操作時間,並使用統計分析方法探討其消毒之關係。分析結果得知,濃度100 mg/L 之二氧化氯消毒劑對青草茶、薄荷葉、茶葉及決明子殺菌效果較佳,總殺菌率皆可達到90%以上,而使用60℃烘箱只有薄荷葉之總殺菌率達95.7%以上,而決明子之總殺菌率僅達81.1%以上。可知,使用綠色消毒劑二氧化氯之殺菌效果較使用烘箱來的佳。使用無毒無害之殺菌裝置,可解決藥物對環境之污染問題,同時可以減少中草藥內的含菌量,提高中草藥之保存效率。 With the concept of health increasing attention, herbs gradually prevail. Herbal pre-treatment processes affect the quality of follow-up products. Herbs are widely used in the modern society. In addition to the healthy function, herbs are also used for production of cosmetics. It is very important to reserve Chinese herbal medicine before using. If they are stored improperly, it will cause mildew and pests resulting in the reduction of the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine. In order to extend the reservation time, the study was to investigate how to keep the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine. The fumigation method using chlorine dioxide and drying process at 60 ℃ using an oven were applied to compare their sterilization efficiency for finding the optimum operation conditions. The results showed that 100 mg / L of chlorine dioxide for disinfection of Chinese herb tea, mint leaves, tea and cassia were better those at other concentrations. The total sterilization efficiencies were higher than 90% for all Chinese herbs. When using an oven operated at 60 ℃, only mint leaves had an efficiency of 95.7%; and others were much lower than 81.1%, which was the total sterilization of Cassia rate. Consequently, use of chlorine dioxide for disinfection is better than the oven. It can not only solve the reservation problem of drugs but also reduce the cost, improving the storage efficiency of Chinese herbal medicine.