近年來,政府積極推動雲端藥歷系統之使用,以期達到避免病患重複用藥問題,提升用藥安全與品質之目的。醫師是醫療服務的主要提供者以及決策者,其對於健保雲端藥歷系統的使用意願, 將是影響(決定)健保雲端藥歷系統及後續政府相關醫療(健康)雲端應用與推廣政策能否於醫療機構內順利推展的關鍵。本研究主要目的在於提出一個結合現有應用於探討系統使用與接受的整合科技接受模式以及探討使用者抗拒之威脅控制觀點的雙因子模式,以瞭解影響醫師雲端藥歷系統使用意 願之關鍵因素,並探討相關因素對於醫師使用此系統的影響過程與效果。本研究採用問卷調查法針對已通過審查可使用雲端藥歷系統醫院醫師進行資料蒐集(滾雪球抽樣方法),所蒐集資料將以最小平方法結構方程模型統計工具進行分析。藉由本研究進行將能深入瞭解影響醫療機構內醫師雲端藥歷系統使用意願的關鍵因素及其影響過程。衛生主管機關與醫療機構將可針對本研究發現之影響醫師雲端藥歷系統使用意願的關鍵因素,採取適當策略與因應措施,以加速國內雲端藥歷系統的發展。 To avoid duplicated medication and to improve medical safety and quality, Taiwan government has put much effort on promoting the use of PharmaCloud system. Physicians are the key providers and decision makers of medical services; thus, their intentions toward using PharmaCloud system are critical for the system evaluation and the further promotion of other governmental cloud-based healthcare information applications. This study aims for investigating the critical factors influencing physicians’ intentions toward PharmaCloud system based on a dual-factor model by incorporating the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and the threat control perspective. In addition, the influence effects and processes of those factors were also investigated. The survey methodology will be conducted for the model validation by collecting data from physicians of the hospitals that had been certified to use the PharmaCloud system through the snowball sampling strategy. The collected data will be analyzed by partial least square statistical technique. Therefore, the obtained results will provide useful insights for understanding the critical factors affecting physicians' intentions toward PharmaCloud system and the influencing effects and processes of those identified factors. Furthermore, the results are helpful for Taiwan government and healthcare industry to make appropriate strategies and incentives for improving the widespread use of PharmaCloud system.