鋁系混凝劑為目前台灣淨水場操作中最常使用的混凝劑種類,用於去除原水中的濁度與有機物,然而,近年來諸多研究指出飲用水中鋁含量將危害身體健康,因此使用鋁系混凝劑之淨水場,該如何減少處理流程的殘餘鋁顯得特別重要。 在台灣地區,由於水資源匱乏以及環保考量等因素,淨水場濾池反洗水與汙泥濃縮池的上澄液回流至原淨水處理流程,但此股回流水之中富含「鋁」與「有機物」,再與原水混合後,會再添加鋁鹽混凝劑進行混沉過濾處理,此一做法除了會提高溶解鋁的生成機會,亦會增加了消毒副產物產生的風險。 本研究乃提出「微過濾薄膜」結合「電透析薄膜」的處理系統,針對淨水場內的迴流水進行水中鋁的減量處理,於不同的操作條件( pH 值、薄膜通量、操作電壓)下,用以評估此一複合的處理系統能否有效且經濟地去除回流水中的「鋁」與「有機物」。 Aluminum coagulants are widely used water treatment plants to remove turbidity and dissolved organic substances in Taiwan. However, because high aluminum concentrations in treated water are associated with increased turbidity and because aluminum exerts undeniable human health effects, the residual aluminum concentration should be controlled in water treatment plants, especially in plants that use aluminum coagulants. In Taiwan, due to the scarcity of water resources and environmental considerations. Drinking water treatment plant reclaim filter backwash water and sludge concentrator supernatant to the original purificationprocess. However, the reclaim water that rich in “aluminum” and “organic compounds” will then be mixed with raw water and “Alum” again. This approach will increase the generate opportunities of dissolved aluminum, also, increase the risk of disinfection by-product. In this study, "microfiltration" combine with "electric-dialysis" were adopt toprocess aluminum reduction in water purification for the reclaim water. Theeffect of different operation conditions such as pH, membrane flux andoperating voltage of the MF and ED system on the “aluminum” and “organic compounds” remove efficiency will be evaluate.