雲端服務已經受到許多研究者的注目,尤其是行動雲端協同作業服務,因為這類服務是有助於協助學生不受時間地點的限制從事協同學習。然而,目前較少研究探討技職大學生對於行動雲端協同作業服務的使用意圖。技職教育在台灣扮演著培養技術人才的關鍵角色,尤其近年來隨著數位遊戲產業的發展,其對於專業的數位遊戲設計人才越來越重視。但是,數位遊戲設計人才的培育相當不容易,因為它需要具有跨領域團隊的合作,其中遊戲的設計絕對不是靠一個人單打獨鬥的方式,它強調團隊合作的重要性。因此,本計畫預計應用行動雲端協同作業服務輔助技職大學生進行遊戲設計,並且進一步調查這些學生對於這類服務的使用意圖。更具體來說,本計畫為了更加了解技職大學生對於這類服務的使用意圖,本計畫亦預計採用腦波測量儀收集這些學生的腦波資料,進而檢驗高低專注度學生或高低放鬆度學生 對於這類服務的使用意圖的差異。最後,本計畫的研究成果可以被預期將有助於行動雲端協同作業服務於教育場域的理論發展與實務應用。 Cloud service has been becoming increasingly popular, in which mobile-cloud collaborative services are viewed as an effective tool for collaborative learning, as they provide a collaborative environment anytime and anywhere. However, very few studies have applied such services in supporting vocational-technical college students’ collaboration and further investigated the factors that influence such students’ acceptance of these services. This project intends to apply a mobile-cloud collaborative service to support the collaboration in a course in game design among vocational-technical college students and examined the factors that influenced their intention to use the service. More specifically, it examined whether and how student type (high/ poor attention or high/ poor meditation) may affect differently adoption patterns of mobile-cloud collaborative service. Finally, a series of analyses were carried out to examine the feasibility of the mobile-cloud collaborative services in technological and vocational education, and a number of conclusions were made based on the results of these. The overall results are expected to contribute to theoretical development and industrial practices in promoting the acceptance of mobile-cloud collaborative services for educational purposes.