根據經建會人口推計數據指出,1993年台灣65歲以上的老年人口占比已達7.09%,成為WHO所定義的「高齡化社會」,並預測老年人口占比將於2018年超越14%,正式邁入「高齡社會」。而伴隨高齡人口的快速成長,銀髮族在生活與照護方面的各種需求也逐步浮現,能夠度過有意義且「成功老化」的老年生活,是許多銀髮族們的共同願望。如果要能夠享有成功老化的生活,必須同時具備「避免疾病與疾病造成的身心障礙」、「高度的認知與身體功能」、「積極參與生活」等三個重要因素,由此想法的延伸產生出「樂齡族」的概念,將更能夠表達出銀髮族要能夠擁有快樂人生和樂天知命的期待,也符合現代社會銀髮族的實際生存狀況,提倡更為健康而積極的人生態度。 目前物聯網的觀念興起,若能夠有效運用物聯網概念的資訊與通訊技術滿足對於樂齡族在日常生活上的各種協助與監控;同時發展樂齡族願意使用的人機介面,進而影響他們運用採用及接受各種新式的科技與產品以進行生活尚的運作,就是一個對於樂齡族非常重要的議題。 本產學合作計劃案的目的為與長茂科技股份有限公司共同開發與測試相關樂齡族物聯網整合介面的應用與實際操作。嘉南藥理大學將以人物誌方法(Persona)建立以使用者為中心的虛擬性格使用者,建立操作環境與情境的場域,進行使用者先期測試與介面修正,以便進行樂齡族物聯網操作整合介面的規劃與發展,使得合作廠商的物聯網產品在使用介面上更為人性化與友善化,增進產品的使用性效益。 According to the statistics from Council for Economic Planning and Development, the proportion of population more than 65 years in Taiwan was 7.09% in 1993. This percentage will exceed 14% in 2018. The elders may cause physiological and living problems owing to the changes of the physical degradation, economy, and society status. The elders face the problems, such as exchange of status and decline of health. Some studies suggested that the elders could get better life quality via different channels of social participation. The concept about “active-aging elderly” expresses not only the senior citizens to have a happy life and optimistic attitude to life expectations but also in line with the actual living conditions of them in modern society and to promote a more healthy and positive attitude towards life. With the technology of Internet of Things, the elders could effectively use information and communication technologies to meet varieties of family assistance and monitoring in daily life. But the elders may be afraid of using and adapting these new technologies and devices. How to develop the proper man-machine interface for the elders to use these devices is an important and complex issue. The goal of this cooperation program is to develop the integrated interface of the Internet of Things in active-aging elderly. The developing process is described below. First, apply the persona technique to identify and describe the different personas of the users in terms of their needs and personal characteristics. Next, construct the prototypes of integrated interface in the application contexts. Then, test and modify the prototypes. Last, apply in the systems.