根據聯合國環境署(United Nations Environment Programme)研究指出若無立即 提出水資源解決方案,到2025 年時,全球每3 人即有2 人會感覺到缺水的壓力 (UNEP, 2000)。因此,開拓多元水資源成為一無可避免之解決方向,其中水資源 回收成為增加水資源主要管道之一,據估計至2015 年時,回收水將較2005 年增 加181% (Tanik, 2010)。本專題計畫為強化人工溼地之汙染處理效能,規劃以間歇 式在槽曝氣作用改造表面流動人工濕地之溶氧環境由低溶氧轉為高溶氧與厭氣交 替出現,藉以擴增營養鹽之去除機制,提升其汙染去除效能,現行相關研究皆集 中於潛流式人工濕地,由於此型濕地原屬相對高度厭氣環境,適於硝酸氮之還原 作用去除汙染作用,經曝氣後造成雖大幅提升銨氮去除,惟造成硝酸氮之累積, 無法整體提升總氮之去除,本專題以喜氣/厭氣交替概念發展間歇式在槽曝氣表面 流動人工濕地,如此可大幅提升人工溼地之應用性,降低成本,本專題研究之在 槽曝氣易干擾原表面流動式人工濕地流況而降低與流體運動相關汙染去除機制之 處理效能,因此,本專題將規劃發展蜂槽式整流系統藉以降低在槽曝氣之影響, 本專題計畫之主要研究方向為; 1. 間歇式在槽曝氣整流系統對表面流動式人工溼地溶氧分佈特性之影響。 2. 間歇式在槽曝氣對表面流動式人工溼地水文特性之影響。 3. 間歇式在槽曝氣對表面流動式人工溼地污染降解特性之影響。 If global water consumption patterns continue without an immediate solution, two out of three individuals worldwide may be living in a water-stressed condition by 2025 (UNEP, 2000). Based on a strategy of creating more water resources, water recovery is a viable means of offering more qualified water for specific usages. As is forecasted global demand for recycled water will increases by 181% from 2005 to 2015 (Tanik, 2010) necessitating the adoption of low impact development techniques and implementation of sustainable infrastructure such as constructed wetlands and waste utilization. In this project, we intent to increase degradation efficiencies of constructed wetland (CW) by an in-tank intermittent aeration and flow modulation system. In the related researches, the aerations are often used in subsurface flow (SSF) CW whose environment shows a characteristic of relatively high anaerobic condition. It is an suitable environment for a reduction action which transfers nitrate-nitrogen in to N2(g) or N2O(g). When aerating, a removal increase of ammonium-nitrogen is observed and the corresponding accumulation of nitrate-nitrogen also occurs. Actually, no improvement in total nitrogen is obviously observed. In this project, an in-tank intermittent aeration system is going to design for surface flow (FWS) CW, which can improve the degradation efficiencies of pollutants. However, the in-tank intermittent aeration will result in some turbulence in the stable flow of FWS CW and may decrease removal efficiencies which relate to the removal mechanisms of flow conditions. Therefore, a flow modulation system is also embedded in the aeration system to resolve this problem. The mains topics to be investigated are described as follow; 1.The effects of in-tank intermittent aeration and flow modulation system on the dissolved oxygen distribution of surface flow constructed wetland. 2.The effects of in-tank intermittent aeration system on the hydraulic characteristics of surface flow constructed wetland. 3.The effects of in-tank intermittent aeration system on the pollutant degradation of surface flow constructed wetland.