網路應用不斷的改變與深化,尤其是在需要實現人與物、物與物之間的溝通順暢,以更提升資訊透明度,並對外界的變化做出及時且正確的回應需求。資訊內容要能夠因應快速變化的各種應用環境時,所有的物品需具備有連結網路的能力,透過網路所提供的各項服務,讓物品彼此間能夠相互溝通與互動,產生了物聯網 (Internet of Things) 的概念。物聯網,就是讓所有物品都能夠連上網際網路、進而利用網際網路的各項功能,達到例如即時查詢、遠端控制、遠端監控的需求,再透過智慧管理的方式進行網路加值應用,延伸了網際網路的應用。 本產學合作計劃案的目的為與長茂科技股份有限公司共同開發與測試相關生活物聯網整合介面的應用與實際操作。嘉南藥理大學將以人物誌方法(Persona)建立以使用者為中心的虛擬性格使用者,建立操作環境與情境的場域,進行使用者先期測試與介面修正,以便進行生活物聯網操作整合介面的規劃與發展,使得合作廠商的物聯網產品在使用介面上更為人性化與友善化,增進產品的使用性效益。 With the rapid development and shifts in sensing and communication technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging the progress of the Internet. The Internet of Things refers to the Internet-connected devices that can perceive their environment in some way and share data with others. When connecting to the Internet, the management systems could be acted for the setting purposes. These functions include instant queries, remote control, remote monitoring and the others. They can extend the Internet value applications in various fields. The goal of this cooperation program is to develop the integrated interface of the Internet of Things in life. The developing process is described below. First, apply the persona technique to identify and describe the different personas of the users in terms of their needs and personal characteristics. Next, construct the prototypes of integrated interface in the application contexts. Then, test and modify the prototypes. Last, apply in the systems.