在快速改變與競爭的營運環境中,真實領導者如何塑造集體專注覺察氣候,並提高員工 之工作活力旺盛狀態,使促動協助行為與主動顧客服務?效,可能為目前管理學術研究 與實務關心之重點。有鑒於此,本研究主要目的在於驗證真實領導、集體專注覺察、工 作活力旺盛、協助行為與主動顧客服務?效因果關係。方法上,本研究將以台灣觀光旅 館產業為研究對象,為了減少共同方法變異,將以兩個不同時間點針對主管-員工進行 問卷施測以蒐集不同來源資料,並利用階層線性模式來驗證研究假設。研究結果除可在 管理學術上成為相關研究之比較與參考依據外,亦可提供企業界決策上之參考。 In the rapidly changing and competitive business environment, how authentic leaders build a collective mindfulness climate and enhance employee thriving at work in promoting helping behavior and proactive customer service performance may become the critical issue for the academic and the practical. Therefore, this study aims to verify the causal relationship among authentic leadership, collective mindfulness, employee thriving, helping behavior, and proactive service performance. In methods, first, this study targets Taiwan tourism hotel industry, we will administrate supervisor- subordinate dyad questionnaires in two different phases. Furthermore, hierarchical linear modeling will be used to test research hypotheses. Research findings will not only serve as comparison model for related researches but also provide tourism hotel industry with information for decision-making.