本研究主要探討液態餌劑對德國蟑螂及美洲蟑螂的防治效果。用餌劑防治蟑螂是未來滅蟑的趨勢,須注意食餌的調配,原藥的選擇及餌盒的設計。食餌的調配需適合蟑螂需求,確認蟑螂偏好的口味,具備獨特的配方,能久藏且能大量生產。餌盒的設計需針對蟑螂習性,可保護毒藥餌,防止兒童或寵物誤食。使用方便並減少環境污染,兼顧環保概念。試驗結果發現德國蟑螂對6種空白餌劑每隻最每次高取食量為9.43毫克,最低取食量為2.68毫克。德國蟑螂對6種液體餌劑每隻最每次高取食量為10.96毫克,最低取食量為1.50毫克。美洲蟑螂取食5種液體餌劑,14天累計死亡率以編號7>編號4>編號6>編號3>編號5。德國蟑螂取食5種液體餌劑,14天累計死亡率以編號7=編號6=編號3=編號2=編號1>編號4>編號5。澄朗興業有限公司最後採用編號7的原體做為成品開發的原藥。 The aim of this study was to investigate liquid bait preference and efficacy in Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana cockroaches. Baits are composed of one or more insecticide active ingredients incorporated into an attractive food matrix, which varies according to the type of target pest, and even according to species within a certain pest type. Baits are a preferred type of formulation used in urban pest management, especially for the control of cockroaches. With precise placement in areas away from contact with human population, especially children, and a reduced rate of active ingredient (AI) application in a given structure area, baits are more economical and pose less risk for consumers and the environment than other formulations. In order to perform successfully, baits must attract the target insect and be ingested in sufficient amount that will cause the desirable level of control in the pest population. The consumption of control blank baits per one German cockroach was between 9.43 mg to 2.68 mg. The consumption of liquid baits per one German cockroach was between 10.96 mg to 1.50 mg. Comparisons the efficacy of the liquid baits tested revealed that deltamethrin bait was more efficacy than imidacloprid bait and borax bait in American cockroach. The efficacy of the liquid baits tested revealed that deltamethrin bait, borax bait and boric acid bait were more efficacy than imidacloprid bait in German cockroach.