近年來,國內健保財務緊縮、醫療政策不穩定、同業競爭壓力及醫療人力成本高漲等情況下,醫療機構面臨經營上的困境,紛紛尋求醫療知識外包。因此,本研究以高度知識密集之醫療產業為主體,利用推拉模式與醫療知識特性探討醫療知識外包的可行性。本研究採質性方法,對八名專家,包含四名醫院經營管理者與四名不同科別且具外包經驗之醫師,進行深度訪談。採紮根理論進行資料分析。結果發現,影響醫療知識外包的推力因素為人力缺乏,拉力因素為成本、經營效率、全人照護,障礙因素為不符成本效益、品質。本研究建議醫療業者在現行法規下思考知識外包的內容與形式,政策制定者呼應市場需求,擬訂相關對策,或將法規予以適度鬆綁,以達市場需求與人力雙贏的目標。 For the past few years, several hospitals have faced financial difficulties, health policy instability, competition pressures and high labor costs. Since hospitals have confronted operational challenges, they have been trying to solve the predicament through medical knowledge outsourcing. Therefore, this study explores the feasibility of medical knowledge outsourcing using push and pull theory. The study used qualitative methods. Four hospital managers and four physicians with outsourcing experience were interviewed deeply. Grounded theory was used for data analyses. The results showed push factors of medical knowledge outsourcing is lack of manpower, pull factors costs, management efficiency, holistic care, obstacles factors are lack of cost effectiveness and quality. This study suggests that hospitals should concern the content and form of medical knowledge outsourcing in the current regulations. Policy-makers may respond to market demand, and consider the deregulation of medical knowledge outsourcing and countermeasures. These issues are worthy of concern by the government, industry and the academy.