本研究發現本校畢業生就業行業別,以醫療保健類最多、其次為休閒與觀光旅遊業,與本校以「藥理」及實務應用科學為主,「全人健康服務」為教育目標,期培育兼具敬業樂群、務實致用、創新創業之「樂活服務產業」專業人才相吻合;本校應屆畢業生之平均薪資為26,018元,畢業後三年可達31,297;其他地區畢業生留在雲嘉南地區工作之比率,以新北市畢業生為最高達24%;其餘超過20%的縣市包括台東縣、澎湖縣與屏東縣;曾經擔任教學助理(TA)次數越多者,工作與所學相關性以及就業滿意度顯著較高;嘉獎次數越多者以及認為業界實習經驗有幫助者,工作與所學相關性以及就業滿意度顯著較高;在校班級名次越佳者以及認為課程實務/實作活動有幫助者,畢業後所學相關性顯著較高。 Based on the database of graduate survey, we could obtain the data including the current situation of graduates' employment, salary and job satisfaction and from the database of administration system, we obtain the data including school grades, lack of absenteeism, license, family background and other information. Our school had finished 104-year graduate survey, which survey three academic year of graduates including 100 academic year (three years after graduation), 102 academic year (one year after graduation) and 103 academic year (fresh graduates). We use the econometric model to analyze the influence of the students' learning experience, family background socio-economic attributes and academic performance on the job satisfaction.
We find that our graduates employed in the field of health care account for 23%, followed by the field of leisure and tourism. The average salary is NT$26,018 per month for fresh graduates and it would rise to NT$31,297 until three years after graduation. Higher the number of teaching assistants (TA) reflects a higher degree of job satisfaction. Besides, we found the class ranking and the number of awards have significant impact on job satisfaction.