臺灣地質構造複雜,各地溫泉泉質、成分亦差異甚大,有許多溫泉溶有重金屬物質,當中有許多對人體有害。一般國人參訪溫泉地除了浸泡溫泉外,最受歡迎的活動就是自行煮食溫泉蛋。過去的研究鮮少提及溫泉煮蛋與溫泉重金屬之間的關係,臺灣食品相關的法令對此也沒有明文規定,本研究主要利用感應耦合電漿發射儀(ICP)分析在自來水、RO水、北投皇池白磺泉及青磺泉加熱後,八大重金屬砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鋅、鎳、汞在雞蛋內殘留的狀況,並評估其食用風險。經實驗測得白磺泉及青磺泉含砷、鉛、鎳、鋅四種重金屬,而當中在蛋白中僅測得鋅,其餘重金屬均未檢出或是低於偵測極限(MDL)。依據衛生福利部國民健康署?國人膳食營養素參考攝取量?中,本研究蛋白中鋅含量遠遠低於其標準,食用無虞。綜合本研究結果雖能確認溫泉蛋之蛋白食用安全,但還是建議廠商與民眾在未了解溫泉中所含元素相關規定事項之前,不宜貿然直接飲用、灌溉或是烹煮食物。 The geological structure of Taiwan is complicated. The characteristics of the hot springs throughout the island varies dramatically. Some of the hot springs contained heavy metal that are potentially harmful to human body upon contact. The most popular activity in hot spring area is soaking in a hot spring. The second one is cooking onsen tamagos. Previous studies had rarely mentioned of the possible side effects on onsen tamagos. In Taiwan, there are no legal guidance on the safety of onsen tamagos. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of albumen via the analysis based on Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometer (ICP). The goal is to determine the safety of consuming onsen tamagos. In this experiment, the sample of hot springs were drawn from Peitou district of Taipei City. Only zinc was found in the egg white. Other heavy metals were not detected or under Method detection limit (MDL). Based on " Dietary Reference Intakes " published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Health Promotion Administration, this study concludes that it is safe to consume the egg white portion of onsen tamago.?