本研究旨在以學生背景為變項,探討溫泉知識融入國中環境教育之成效。本研究以發學習單來進行授課前測與後測,並進行資料的蒐集。研究工具為「溫泉知識融入國中環境教育課程學習單」,針對高雄市立鼎金國中學生進行抽樣研究,研究樣本77人(3個班級),收回有效問卷74 份。所得資料以描述性統計、成對性樣本t 檢定及皮爾遜積差相關性分析等統計方法進行統計分析。
及是否曾擔任過環境志工而有差異。 This research aims to discuss the effect of hot spring knowledge integrated into environmental education for junior high school students. The study analyzes of the variations are caused by the background. This research collects data through working sheet survey as the research tool, “ The Working Sheet of Hot Spring Knowledge Integrated into Environmental Education. ” The research articipants are 77 students (3 classes) of Ding Jin Junior High School of Kaohsiung City, and a total of 74 valid responses is collected. The data are analyzed by the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, Paired-Sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square test.Due to the findings of this study, the conclusions are made as the following:1.The results show that the effect of hot spring knowledge integrated into environmental education for junior high school students is positive.2.The effect of hot spring knowledge on environmental education among the students of Ding Jin junior high school differs based on factors such as gender, self-confidence and the level of my mother’s education.3.The effect of hot spring knowledge on environmental knowledge among the students of Ding Jin junior high school differs based on factors such as gender, self-confidence, the level of his/her father’s education, the level of my mother’s education and the experiences of being a conservation volunteer.4.The effect of hot spring knowledge on environmental behavior among the students of Ding Jin junior high school differs based on factors such as self- confidence, the level of my father’s education, the level of my mother’s education and the experiences of being a conservation volunteer.