背景:現今時代科技進步,網路資訊傳輸無遠弗屆,而隨著資訊系統之廣泛,使用者藉由行動裝置上網使用雲端服務的比例也逐漸升高,因此透過資訊科技之應用可有效整合社區醫療照護與疾病防治工作。潛伏結核感染(Latent tuberculosis infection,LTBI)之治療,是結核病防治工作中重要的策略之一,雲端直接觀察治療(Electronic Directly Observed Preventive Therapy, e-DOPT)系統以「關懷無界線」雲端都治做法,可協助都治關懷員督導潛伏結核感染個案按時服藥、評估有無副作用,避免抗藥性細菌的產生及疾病的復發。本研究旨在探討都治關懷員使用雲端直接觀察治療(e-DOPT)系統之滿意度與使用意願及其相關影響因素。
結果:研究結果顯示雲端直接觀察治療(e-DOPT)系統「使用意願」之顯著影響因素為「資訊品質」(β=0.690,p=0.009)與「服務品質」(β=0.467,p=0.003)。雲端直接觀察治療(e-DOPT) 系統「使用滿意度」之顯著影響因素為「資訊品質」(β=0.513,p=0.003)與「服務品質」(β=0.334,p=0.005);系統的「使用滿意度」亦顯著正向影響「使用意願」(β=0.400,p=0.003)。但「系統品質」對於「使用意願」(β=0.170,p=0.470)與「使用滿意度」(β=0.074,p=0.616)則無顯著之影響。
建議:研究結果可提供中央及地方政府衛生主管機關在推動結核病防治eDOPT系統之參考依據,並提供提升未來相關系統開發及維護之參考,以達成結核病的防治功效。 Background: Today, the progressingtechnology and convenient information transmission cause the widely application of network. Users can effectively use mobile internet services to work on community health care and disease prevention.The treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection (Latent Tuberculosis Infection, LTBI) is important for prevention and control of Tuberculosis.Electronic Directly Observed Preventive Therapy (e-DOPT) systemnot only can assist LTBI caregivers on following the drug compliance and evaluating the presence of side effects, but also can avoid the recurrence rate and drug-resistant bacteria.The porpose of this study is to investigate LTBI DOPT caregivers’ satisfaction and intentions of using e-DOPT system and their affective factors.Methods: The research framework of this study was developed based the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) at the individual level proposed by DeLone and McLean. By application of ISSM, we proposed “information quality”, “service quality”, and “system quality” facets factors to predict “users’ satisfaction” and “users’ intention”. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information from LTBI DOPT caregivers in Kaohsiung city. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variances, and PLS (Partial Least Squares)methods.Result: Results showed that “intention to user” of the e-DOPT system is significantly affected by “information quality” (β=0.690, p=0.009) and “service quality” (β=0.467, p=0.003). “Users’ satisfaction” of the e-DOPT systemis significantly affected by “information quality” (β=0.513, p=0.003), and “service quality” (β=0.334, p=0.005). “users’ satisfaction” of the e-DOPT system is also significantly affected by “users’ intentions” ((β=0.400, p=0.003). “System quality”is not significantly to predict “users’ satisfaction”(β=0.170,p=0.470)or “users’ intentions”(β=0.074,p=0.616).Conclusion: Results can provide suggestions for the government and associated authorities to promote using system via advanced internet services, and further to execute the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis