因應高齡社會來臨,政府積極建立「在地老化」資源,其中「社區式」照顧以日間照顧中心為主要的服務提供單位,期望透過日間照顧中心專業的照顧服務人員,提供各種多彩多姿的健康照顧服務,讓長者享受優質銀髮生活。為了瞭解高齡者對日間照顧中心服務功能之認知,以及對日間照顧服務的需求,本研究採用問卷調查方法,針對台南地區的退休族群進行施測,利用PASW統計軟體第18版進行資料分析。本研究結果顯示,在日間照顧中心的六大服務項目中,受訪者最為重視的是照顧人員的專業,且顯著高於護理復健服務,而最不重視健康促進的服務。對於生活照顧、護理復健、交通連結等功能的認知,會因個人特質不同而有顯著差異。結果顯示有無子女、教育程度及每月可支配金額之無子女對於「交通連結」的需求差異顯著;不同教育程度者對於生活照顧服務的需求呈現顯著差異;每月可支配金額不同的受訪者在護理復健、交通連結服務的需求均達顯著差異。健康促進服務與接受日間照顧的意願呈反向關係,對健康促進服務需求低者,其接受日間照顧的意願反而高。 In response to the aging society, the government was actively establishing "aging in place" resources example "community-based" day care centers as the main service providers. They hope to provide a variety of colorful health care and services to enable the elderly to enjoy high-quality life by professional staff of the day care centers. In order to understand the cognitive of elderly for the function of day care center and the demand for day care services. This study used questionnaire to investigate Tainan area retirement communities. The statistics tool using is by PASW Statistics version 18. The results of this study show that the most importance to respondents is professional skill of care giver, and significantly higher than the nursing rehabilitation services, and most disregard to health promotion services. The respondent cognition of daily life care, rehabilitation care and transportation links are significant differences due to the characteristics of the individual. The results show that the significant difference of transportation links demand is by children count, education level and the monthly disposable income of without child respondents. The daily life care demand is significant difference by the different education level. The different monthly disposable income of without child respondents demand the rehabilitation care and transportation links are significant differences. Health promotion services and willingness to accept day care is an inverse relationship. The respondents in lower demand health promotion services are higher willingness to accept day care services.