摘要: | 在全球水資源日漸減少的情況下,廢水回收再利用及海水淡化技術應用也開始被重視。本研究主要是利用無機陶瓷管膜塗佈聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)及醋酸纖維(CA),藉由環境掃描式電子顯微鏡(ESEM) 探討薄膜結構、孔洞大小、表面孔隙等。使用可調整式過濾裝置膜組進行過濾實驗,以活性白土水溶液模擬原污水,探討PVDF、CA(2.0~4.0 wt%)、空氣壓縮機反洗、反洗時間對過濾通量及濁度變化。陶瓷管膜塗佈PVDF、CA高分子鑄膜液實驗中,過濾平均濾液通量塗佈4 wt% PVDF、CA之陶瓷管膜分別為15.30 g/sec、1.58 g/sec,可表示塗佈PVDF效果優於CA。陶瓷管膜塗佈PVDF高分子鑄膜液最佳過濾通量及濁度為塗佈3 wt%之陶瓷管膜,但濁度變化以塗佈4 wt%較為穩定。管膜塗佈濃度越高,其過濾後的濾液中平均粒徑則會越低。陶瓷管膜塗佈1~3層高分子鑄膜液實驗得知,塗佈3層的高分子鑄膜液之陶瓷管膜濁度去除率較佳,雖然塗佈1~2層之陶瓷管膜一開始通量大,但塗佈3層重複20次操作的過濾通量較為穩定。反洗方法以空氣壓縮機曝氣反洗最佳,濾液平均粒徑為694.0 nm。 In the context of dwindling global water resources, wastewater recycling technology is starting to pay attention. Ceramic tube membrane was coated on surface of PVDF and CA solution. Membrane structure, pore size, and surface porosity characterized by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Activated clay solution was used as water samples. Ceramic tube membrane coating 3 wt% PVDF polymer casting solution performs the best filtration flux and turbidity. Coated 4 wt% casting solution shows more stability. On the particle size distribution, can be expressed membrane coating concentration as higher with the average particle size is lower. Ceramic tube membrane coated 3 times polymer casting solution has higher turbidity removal rate and stable flux. Hydrophobic PVDF performance is better than hydrophilic CA.Experiments of filtration by dead-end process were conducted under various operating conditions including polymer concentration, coated layers, backwash process, and backwash time. |