本研究以圖書館閱覽室及研究小間作為該研究空間,並以二氧化氯及弱酸型次氯酸水作為殺菌消毒劑。探討不同消毒法、殺菌時間以及殺菌時段之改善效果。研究結果顯示,由於圖書館人員平時對於閱覽室的空氣生物氣膠控制良好,因此室內環境中應用100mg/L微酸性次氯酸水消毒效能總細菌殺菌率為54.7%、真菌為26.8%;250 mg/L弱酸型次氯酸水之總細菌殺菌率為45.0%、真菌為40.7%、650 mg/L弱酸型次氯酸水之總細菌殺菌率為37.4%、真菌為35.0%。應用250 mg/L二氧化氯濃度後之總細菌殺菌率為52.2%、真菌為9.4%,而以250 mg/L弱酸型次氯酸水濃度殺菌率效果為佳。殺菌消毒效果皆符合環保署室內空氣品質管理法規之標準,實際驗證二氧化氯及弱酸型次氯酸水氣霧在各?型室內空氣環境中的消毒效能,並提供適用之二氧化氯及弱酸型次氯酸水氣霧散播模式與有效消毒濃?,以供未?室內空氣消毒之重要?考。 In this study, the reading and research rooms in the library were selected to investigate the effects of disinfection method, time and period in one day on the improvement of disinfection efficiency. Results showed that the disinfection efficiencies for total bacteria and fungi were 54.7 % and 26.8 % with 100 mg/L of weak acid hypochlorous water and those were 45.0 % and 40.7 % with 250 mg/L of hypochlorous water, respectively. With 250 mg/L of chlorine dioxide, the disinfection efficiencies for total bacteria and fungi were 52.2 % and 9.4 %, respectively. Consequently, the best efficiency occurred at 250 mg/L of hypochlorous water. Based on the results in this study, it has proven that using chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous water can control the air quality to comply with Taiwan EPA indoor air regulations. Additionally, the information obtained is helpful to build up an optimum model for spraying and effective concentration of these two disinfectants, which will be an important reference for indoor air control.