隨著臺灣經濟發展,所得提高,國人逐漸重視休閒活動,對於休閒活動的內容與品質要求亦日益提升。臺灣地處歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊間,地熱資源豐富,因此溫泉觀光成為人們的休閒旅遊選項之一,而溫泉業主除了提供基本的泡湯功能外,更將同樣具放鬆身心效果的音樂帶入泡湯環境之中,以期能將泡湯效果加乘。故本研究以臺南關子嶺地區為研究範圍,四間溫泉會館為研究對象,旨在探討音樂應用於溫泉場域當中的現況分析。本論文蒐集應用音樂及溫泉資源等相關文獻,並參考音樂分類、溫泉旅館、溫泉產業類型之研究,以田野調查法訪談播放音樂之人員,再透過量化的問卷調查,針對關子嶺地區溫泉會館進行抽樣,希望能以量化的資料分析與質性的人員訪談相互佐證,藉以了解溫泉會館各場域播放音樂類型的選擇及播放音樂類型不同之選擇原因。 經過問卷及實際訪談資料整理,研究者觀察到如大廳、餐飲區等公共區域,音樂播放率較高,相對地,客房、個人湯屋等屬於私人區域,業者則選擇不播放音樂,而在音樂選擇上,以能讓消費者釋放壓力,帶給聽眾輕鬆愉悅的輕柔樂曲使用率最高,播放音樂人員部分,業者並無選擇特定人員播放,溫泉會館員工無相關音樂專業背景。根據本文的研究發現,建議溫泉業者將音樂播放系統化,並加強播放人員專業的音樂素養,以及以溫泉音樂建立溫泉會館的獨特性,做為溫泉業者在未來的音樂選擇及經營模式之參考。 With Taiwan’s economic development and income increase, there has been evident improvement in people’s awareness of leisure activities. including higher expectations on the content and quality of recreational activities. Due to Taiwan’s unique location on both the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, it creates an abundance of geothermal resources, thus making Hot Springs one of the main leisure tourist destinations.Hot Spring owners not only provide baths, but also enhance the whole hot-spring bathing impressions by broadcasting relaxing music .This research attempts to analyze the current situation regarding the usage of music at four different Hot Springs located in the Guanziling area of Tainan, in Taiwan. The reference of this research includes music, Hot Springs and other relevant literature. Field research was conducted through interviewing personnel responsible for choosing music, then a sample taken from the Guanziling Hot Springs area were asked to participate in a questionnaire. Results from the questionnaire were analyzed and used in a quantitative study; additional information was gathered from interviews with the staff. All in an attempt to further understand the music genres that are played at Hot Springs and why these choices were made. From the questionnaire and interviews, it was observed that in public areas such as the lobby and restaurant , there was a relatively higher tendency to have music playing. On the contrary, there was no music playing in private areas such as guest rooms and individual spa districts. Music genres leaned towards soft and pleasant music to make consumers relaxed. The person playing and choosing the music was neither limited to a specific staff member any music background was required. According to the findings of this study, it is recommended that music playing should be systemized; in order to make each Hot Spring unique, the staff responsible for playing music should reinforce with more music education. This research provides Hot Spring owners considerations toward music choices and management models in the future.