摘要: | 前人研究顯示,膳食炸油能顯著惡化小鼠結腸炎的病程,但其致病機轉不明,因此我們嘗試探討炸油食用一段時間後,戒斷炸油改餵新鮮油,並評估本土食材-白鳳菜 (Gynura formosana K.) 的介入,是否可輔助逆轉炸油造成小鼠健康之影響,以及對於炸油惡化結腸發炎病程是否具有緩和效應。實驗以5週齡 C57BL/6N 品系雌鼠,隨機分成15%新鮮油組與15%炸油組,飼養四週後,15%新鮮油組分成正常組 (N)、控制組 (C);炸油組分成四組:炸油組 (15%炸油,O)、對照組 (15% 新鮮油,OC)、白鳳菜低劑量組 (15%新鮮油+200 mg/kg白鳳菜水萃物,OGL)、白鳳菜高劑量組 (15%新鮮油+600 mg/kg白鳳菜水萃物,OGH),白鳳菜水萃物採用管餵方式給予。飼料均以AIN-93G 修正為15% 高油飼料,令其自由攝取。兩週後,除了N組以外,其餘組別均於飲用水中添加 2% (w/v) dextran sulfate sodium (DSS),誘發急性結腸發炎,並計算疾病活動指數 (disease activity index, DAI),連續五天後換成蒸餾水兩天,第八天隔夜禁食後犧牲,採集血液、肝臟及大腸,分析發炎相關細胞激素與抗氧化酵素活性。結果顯示,在生長狀況與存活率方面,全程炸油組 (O 組) 體重、攝食量及食物利用率均明顯低於 OC、OGL及OGH三組,而以DSS誘發結腸炎第7天,O組小鼠存活率為80%,OGH組為89%,其餘組別為100%,表示給予炸油飲食對於小鼠生長造成顯著的負面影響。在飲用水中添加DSS可顯著誘導小鼠結腸炎病症,C組與N組相比,C組結腸長度明顯縮短,全身性發炎指標Haptoglobin (Hp)之血清濃度、大腸骨髓過氧化? (myeloperoxidase, MPO) 活性、IL-6及肝臟脂質過氧化指標thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS)含量皆高於無腸炎之N組,超氧歧化? (superoxide dismutase, SOD)、麩胱??還原? (glutathione reductase, GR) 、麩胱??轉化? (glutathione S transferase, GST) 三種酵素活性均顯著降低。數據顯示,在餵食炸油組有促進發炎相關細胞激素變化及增加發炎指標Hp的趨勢;改餵新鮮油之後可以顯著增加小鼠的體重、飼料攝取量,降低DAI指數,具有改善小鼠生長狀況與腸炎的正面效應。餵食高劑量白鳳菜組 (OGH) 會顯著降低DAI指數,緩和腸炎造成結腸縮短的不良效應,而餵食低劑量白鳳菜組 (OGL) 對於Hp與發炎相關細胞激素方面與OC組相比有較顯著的緩和作用,兩種劑量均可顯著降低結腸白血球間質素-6 (Interleukin-6, IL-6) 濃度。因此,戒斷炸油後補充低劑量白鳳菜水萃物,能顯著的降低全身性發炎指標Hp的血清濃度,具有降低結腸炎效應,可能具有逆轉炸油造成小鼠亞健康狀態的保健潛力。 In Taiwan, Gynura formosana K. (GF) is one of commonly used medicine-food herbs. Many studies showed that GF exhibited the anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, as well as antioxidant effects. In the clinical studies, was usually used for the treatment of liver and ulcerative colitis diseases, but the mechanism and scientific intension was still unknown. Our preliminary results indicated that dietary oxidized frying oil (OFO) consumption resulted in deterioration of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced ulcerative colitis (UC) in mice. This study attempt to test whether OFO withdrawal with or without Gynura formosana K. supplementation in mice may reverse the deterioration effect of frying oil on DSS-induced colitis. We investigated the effect of the normal group, control group, 15% frying oil group, 15% fresh oil plus 200 mg/kg, and 15% fresh oil plus 600 mg/kg water extract of G. formosana (WEGF) groups on 2% DSS-induced colitis. In the present study, we studied the protective effects of WEGF the on DSS-induced UC in C57BL/6N mice model through oxidative stress and inflammatory pathway. The results displayed that OFO withdrawal with 200 mg/kg of WEGF supplementation could exhibit the effective protection for the deterioration effect of OFO on DSS-induced UC by increasing the colon length, decreasing body weight loss and the disease activity index (DAI) score, inhibiting oxidative stress response through the reducing the levels of haptoglobin (Hp) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6). These results may prove that WEGF could be considered as the effective botanical agent from the edible plant to be used in UC through the oxidative stress and inflammatory activities. |