摘要: | 本研究利用不同碳鏈長度的咪唑化合物與硝酸、乙酸、硫酸 、氫氯酸、氫溴酸等有機或無機酸進行結合反應,製備八種咪唑離子液體,探討離子液體〔(Ionic liquid)s〕在不同溫度、時間萃取魚鱗膠原蛋白之研究。先將魚鱗洗淨後曬乾(去除水分),將曬乾後之魚鱗原料以機械研磨機粉碎處理,加入合成好的離子液體在60℃完全溶解魚鱗,而得到微黃色的溶解液,將所得之水解溶液加入洗滌液,再經高速離心機取得粗萃取物,以室溫乾燥得到粗萃物蛋白,經由測總蛋白質產率與蛋白質電泳之方法,評估蛋白質產率及分子量分佈大小。 綜合以上實驗結果得知,在所有樣品之中,以1-butylimidazolium bromide的離子液體萃取魚鱗所得之粗萃物和蛋白質為最佳,結果則分別得到粗萃物產率為84.5%和總蛋白質產率為77.7%。 This study is to discuss how to extract fish-scale collagen from imidazole ionic liquids under different temperature and time. These eight liquids are made by combination reaction among imidazolium compound with different carbon-chain of organic acid and inorganic acid; such as nitric acid, acetic acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid …etc. To extract fish-scale collagen, our method is to wash up and then dry up the fish scales, and smash these scales with mechanical grinder. We can derive yellow dissolution from dissolving these scales with our ionic liquids at temperature 60℃, then we add cleaning fluid into the dissolution and obtain rough extract from it with high-speed centrifuge. Finally, we dry up the rough extract at room temperature and then obtain rough protein. From methods of calculating yield of proteins and electrophoresis of proteins, we can derive the distribution of molecular weight of proteins. From above experimental results, we found 1-butylimidazolium bromide is the best ionic liquid to derive the rough fish-scale extract and collagen; yield of rough extract is 84.5% and yield of collagen is 77.7%. |