研究目的:本研究以結構模式驗證托嬰中心從業人員之避難逃生自我效能、避難逃生認知、避難逃生器具有效性認知三者間之關係。研究方法:本研究對象為新北市,6間公辦民營公共托育中心之主管、托育人員及其他相關工作人員,共計107人。研究工具以自編之結構式問卷,經預試修正後定稿。問卷內容以探索性因素分析(EFA)萃取主要因子結構後,再以Amos20.0之驗證性因素分析(CFA)確認,逐步建立本研究理論模式。研究結果:「避難逃生認知層面」因子的解釋力為43%,信度為0.86。「設備有效性認知層面」因子的解釋力為32%,信度為0.82。「避難逃生認知層面結構模型」,G.F.I等數值皆大於0.9以上,整體模型配適度屬於良好程度。「設備有效性認知結構模型」,G.F.I、等數值皆大於0.9以上,整體模型配適度屬於良好程度。據此可知,以避難逃生認知層面、設備有效性認知兩層面,可預測托育人員之自我效能。防火避難認知層面與設備有效性認知層面題項內有些題目具有高度相關性,建議之後可以整併題項,增加托嬰中心從業人員對於防火避難認知及設備有效性認知之完整性,以做為日後研究依據。 Purpose :This study is to verify the relations among self-efficacy、 cognition of escape and the cognition of escape devices effectiveness .Methods: The object of this study include director of the center、 daycare personnel and other relevant staff in The New Taipei City 6 public care Centers, a total of 107 people. Questionnaire was finalized after pre-test and experts validity and used to gather information on the various variables.Results and discussion: The cognition of escape explanatory power is 43.384% and reliability value is 0.855. The cognition of escape devices effectiveness explanatory power is 32.82% and reliability was 0.819.The cognition of escape structure models G.F.I and other values is greater than 0.9 or more, and the whole model Goodness of fit is good. The cognition of escape devices effectivenessmodel’s G.F.I and other values is greater than 0.9 or more, and the whole model Goodness of fit is good.The results prove that the cognitive dimension of escape and escape devices effectiveness can predict the escape self-efficacy.