石化產業為民生基礎工業,其重要性不言可喻,而不論在國內或國外石化工廠之災害事故仍然層出不窮,尤其是重大爆炸與火災事件,常常因延燒無限擴大,以致無法在短時間內安全搶救災害及快速撲滅火勢的原因。因此,本研究目的在於探討國內石化業勞工防火安全認知之探討。針對作業勞工對於防火安全認知、設備有效認知及自我能力評估,以問卷調查方式進行,問卷個案數總計100 份。藉由問卷調查來研究探討作業勞工對於防火安全認知、設備有效認知與自我能力評估之現況,瞭解作業勞工之問題,提供承商日後訂定制度之參考。研究顯示,部份受訪勞工對於防火安全認知觀念有落差,應鼓勵勞工參加防火管理人員訓練,藉以提升人員之本職學能,以確保作業人員的防火安全正確的認知。 Petrochemical Industry is taken as the commodity-based industry, and there’s no doubt on its important role in our daily lives. However, the disasters and labor accidents always occur in either domestic or foreign petrochemical factories, especially serious explosion and fire accidents. These accidents cannot be safely solved and fight fire in a short time because of the unexpected extension. Therefore, the purpose of this study aims to reveal the employees’ safe cognition in the domestic petrochemical industry.For employees’ fire safety cognition, fire equipment cognition and self-efficacy evaluation, the researcher utilized the questionnaires to conduct this study, and there were totally 100 persons participated in this activity. The result showed the employees’ problems through questionnaires that investigated the employees’ fire safety cognition, and it provided a reference for future principles as well.The finding indicates there is a gap on the acknowledge of fire safety cognition, employers should encourage their staff to take part in fire management training to improve their staff’s competence and make sure the correct cognition in this field.