孔子是學為人師、行為世範的道德實踐家與教育家。他以行為示範、適性揚才、潛移默化、推己及人的方法教導學生;而孔門弟子,也能以立志有恆、內訟自省、謹言力行的態度接受教育。孔子的仁愛精神,循循善誘,誨人不倦,有教無類,使其成為萬世師表。孔子的?教思想,教人為學之道,立身處世之法,是中國教育思想的瑰寶,也正是現代品德教育最重要的依據。中國自晚周的百家爭鳴以來,歷經兩千多年,出現多少深具見地的哲學家、思想家。是怎樣的教育方式、環境背景造就這樣人才輩出的盛況! 本文企圖藉著分析《論語》中孔子的?教思想與言論,揭示其中蘊含的教育的基本精神,並且從中吸取精華,為現代社會道德教育的發展,提供豐富的教材資源,同時,反省現代品德教育的困境,導正現今台灣教育過度講求知識的傳遞、成效量化的偏差現象。為什麼我們的教育不從自身的長處、優點取材,硬是認定外國的月亮比較圓,一切以西方教育思想模式為主流,但在西學中用後卻又是造成四不像的亂象。優良的傳統文化有其歷久不衰的深義,人們在飲水思源的過程中,可以借鑒古人的智慧與成就,以利日後長遠的發展,在優良傳統文化的基礎下走的更穩健! 我們雖無力扭轉台灣教育荒謬的亂象,但藉由本文探討其中問題後,也許能提供更多有志之士重新思考以孔子的教育思想為主軸,是否更能落實現代義務教育下品德教育的成效,從而培育出更多有思想,有能力,有德性修養的國民 Confucius was an educator and moral practitioner. He taught his student respectively on the basis of their talent, gradually inspiring them with his own behavior. The apprentices of Confucius should often reflect on what they have done, be willing to receive his guidance humbly, and have the ability to stick to their goals. It was the charity and the selfless dedication to the unexceptional education of Confucius that made him such an ideal teacher through history. The moral concept and the teaching methodology of Confucius are the treasure in the Chinese education principle and thus the most important basis of the modern moral education. There were so many philosophers with wisdom appeared during the period of more than two thousand years since Zhou Dynasty in China. What was the society and the education background that created so many talents?In this essay we try to analyze Confucian Analects and uncover the spirit of education within it. Learning from the masterpiece provides us abundant teaching materials for the modern moral education and helps us reflect on the predicament of the modern education in Taiwan, which is excessively focusing on quantifying the effectiveness of teaching. Why should we always regard the Western education modality as mainstream but end up with chaos in education when applying it to the Orient. Why don’t we make good use of our own advantage? A fine tradition must have its deep meaning that can last so long. People nowadays can walk more stably and further on the path of wisdom and accomplishment paved by our ancestors. Although we can’t twist the awkward situation of the education in Taiwan, we may motivate more people with aspiration to reconsider, after probing into the questions offered in this essay, that whether the effect of the moral education under the modern compulsory education system will be improved through implementing the Confucian teaching methodology in order to cultivate more thoughtful and competent citizens.