本研究主要在編製「東南亞籍配偶子女生活是應量表」。此量表是根據訪談東南亞籍配偶子女、級任老師、兒童福利中心外籍配偶子女安親班之社工員及輔導志工所得之內容,參考國內外有關之量表彙整修訂編製而成。以116名台南市國小一年級到六年級學生為有效樣本。本量表主要分成五個層面,依序為 : 「學校關係適應」、「家庭生活適應」、「自我情緒調解」、「學校生活調適」、「家庭關係適應」。 本量表在信度方面分為兩個部份 : (一) 內在一致信度: 「東南亞籍配偶子女生活是應量表」總量表cronbach α為0.935;各分量表的α係數介於0.819~0.881之間,顯示本表具有良好的信度。(二) 重測信度:總量表的重測信度為0.698,各分量表的重側信度為0.393~0.666,顯示本量表所測得之東南亞籍配偶子生活適應分數具有穩定性。 在效度方面,主要有(一)建構效度分析和 (二)效標關連效度。因素分析之結果,顯示本研究吻合東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量之理論結構。結果如下:「學校關係適應」分量表可解釋 19.848%、「家庭生活適應」分量表可解釋 15.508%、「自我情緒調解」分量表可解釋 14.338%、「學校生活調適」分量表可解釋 11.416%、「家庭關係適應」分量表可解釋 9.026%「國小兒童--東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量表」的變異量。此五個分量表共可以解釋總量表變異值量的70.137%。在效標關連效度方面;本量表總分與效標量表之總分的相關值為0.574,本量表之各分量表與效標總量表之相關值介於0.379~0.528,皆達0.01的顯著水準。顯示本量表具有良好的效標關連效度。 The main purpose of this study is to compile"the life adjustment scale of the elementary school students of the southeastern Asia immigration spouses".The items of this scale was developed from the interview of the southeastern Asia immigration spouses' children, teachers, the social worker of immigrant spouses' children care center,child welfare center, and consulted from other measure scales.The samole of this scale were 116 students recruited from the 2nd to 6th drade of the elementry school in Taiwan city.The scale was divided to five sub-scales: adjustment of school reationship, adjustment of family life, accommodation of self-emotion, accommodation of school life, and adjustment of family relationship. The reliability of the scale consisted of two prats:(1) Internal-consistent reliability.The coefficient of Cronbach αof the total-scale was 0.935,and which in each sub-scale was 0.819~0.881.The results suggested the present scale possess excellent reliability.(2) The teat-retest reliability.The test-retest reliability in the total scale was 0.698,and which in each sub-scale was 0.393~0.666. Both of the test-retest reliabilities reached the signficant level0.01, suggesting that using this scale, the life adjustment score of the southeastern Asia immigration spouses' childern were stable. In validity,it mainly contained(1) construct validity and (2) criterion related validity. Accordung to the results of fator analysis,the study corresponded to the theory of the life adjustment of the elementary school students of southeastern Asia immigration spouses. The results were demonstrated as folloewd. The sub-scale could explain from 9.026%to 19.848% of the variation of"the life adjustment scale of the elementary school students of the southeastern Asia immigration spouses".All of the five sub-scales could explaon 70.137% of the variation of total scale. In the criterion-related validity, the correlation coefficient of the scale and the criterion scale was 0.574. The correlation coefficient of the sub-scale and the criterion scale score were 0.379~0.528. Both of them reached significant level 0.01. The results suggested that the present scale possess excellent criterion-realated validity.