絲孢綱菌類為一群缺乏有性世代或有性世代尚未被發現之菌類,其不但具有學術研究旨趣, 並深具經濟價值,舉凡醫療、食品、製藥、發酵工業以及農業產業,皆具有高度開發利用的 價值。世界各國,如德國、瑞士、日本、美國、英國以及法國等國家無不大力發展利用。由 於台灣自然地理環境優越,這些微生物資源不但種類及數量繁多而且具有極高的生物遺傳演 化多樣性與功能性基因體開發潛力。因此這些珍貴的本土性資源之蒐集、鑑定和保存工作是 格外具有其重要性及迫切性。此外,因近年來由於土地諸如森林、山坡地等之濫墾、濫伐或 過度開發的結果,許多寶貴的微生物資源,正值加速滅絕溺跡之中。本計畫目的將以台南仁 德區虎山大葉桃花心木純林地,作為單一絲孢綱菌類調查研究對象,進行枯枝腐葉上絲孢綱 腐生性真菌與新鮮葉片絲孢綱共生性真菌調查、鑑定、記錄及保存,並一併研究調查該林地 土壤中絲孢綱真菌之多樣性及變化情形。 Hyphomycetes are a group of anamorph fungi which lack sexual state in their life cycle. These fungi are inherited versatile biological activities. We are not only interesting in the its population diversity, but also applications, in areas such as industry or pharmaceuticals or agriculture. The past experience indicated a luxuriate population of Hyphomycetes in Taiwan, however more are awaited to be explored. A projent is proposed to study Hyphomycetes inhabiting on litters or leaves of Swietenia macrophylla in Tainan Fu-San. These mycoflora will be isolated, identified, illustrated and conserved for future study. Due to the overexploitation of the lands, many resourceful organisms including fungi are inclined to extinct, the conservation of these organism is urgent, so as to the project.