本研究主要探討交通部台灣鐵路管理局是否能夠運用部落格(Blog)行銷推廣鐵道觀光,討論範圍包含受訪者對於台鐵成立部落格是否有瀏覽意願,以及有瀏覽意願之原因和無瀏覽意願之原因。 本研究以SPSS 12統計軟體作為研究工具並採用問卷調查法,300份樣本收回有效樣本261份,有瀏覽意願樣本151份、無瀏覽意願樣本110份。抽樣方法運用簡單隨機抽樣與分層抽樣。統計方法包含:信度分析、因素分析、敘述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定和單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現:受訪者對是否有瀏覽意願呈現部分顯著差異;各類部落格對是否有瀏覽意願呈現部分顯著差異;受訪者有瀏覽意願題目呈現部分顯著差異;各類部落格有瀏覽意願題目呈現部分顯著差異;受訪者無瀏覽意願題目呈現部分顯著差異;各類部落格無瀏覽意願題目呈現部分顯著差異。 依據研究結果提出以下建議:建立部落格;提升服務效能;異業結盟。 The research isdiscussion about Taiwan Railways administration can or cannot use blog marketing popularize tourism, discussion range is opinion of respondents for Taiwan Railways administration establish blog like or not like browse the blog and like browse the blog reason and not like browse the blog reason. The research tools is SPSS 12 statistical software ane use questionnaire method, questionnaire samples is 300 total, effective samples has total of 261, like browse the blog is 151 total, not like browse the blog is 110 total. Sampling is use simple random sampling and stratified sampling. Analysis method has: reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, independent-samples T Test, one-way ANOVA. The research detection: respondents to like or not like browse the blog is part of the significant differences; every blog category to like or not like browse the blog is part of the significant differences; respondents to like browse the blog is part of the significant differences; every blog category to like browse the blog is part of the significant differences; respondents to not like browse the blog is part of the significant differences; every blog category to not like browse the blog is part of the significant differences. According to research detection has following suggestion: Establish the blog;Improve service effectiveness; Cross-industry Alliance.