礁溪溫泉是臺灣北部重要的溫泉之一,因為抽用日漸增加,溫泉的水位,水質與溫度可能會隨著降雨量、淺層地下水的混入、不同的季節或地下水抽用型態的不同而有變化。因而了解礁溪之地下水補注量、可用水量及使用量的概況,才能達到溫泉資源管制及永續利用的目的。礁溪地區已設有17口監測井,本研究執行10口。本研究除了作抽水量文獻蒐集分析之外,並以水平衡推算抽水所造成的影響。目前宜蘭縣政府總量管制目標為14,326CMD,本研究估算安全使用量大約為11,780CMD。此外,本研究發現從2007~2012年,溫泉水位變動與豐枯水年相關,估計實際抽用量應低於11,780CMD。 The Jiaosi Hot Spring is one of the most important hot springs in the northern Taiwan. In the recent years, due to the prosperous development of spa industry, hot spring water demands are dramatically increasing. Previous researches show that the hot spring aquifer may have be over-pumped to meet the water demands and had caused decline of water pressure. The purpose of this study is to compile and analyze water pressure data to suggest a safe yield of the hot spring aquifer for the hot water resource management in Jiaosi Hot Spring. I use the data set from 10 of a total 17 monitoring wells in Jiaosi Hot Spring. The safe yield of Jiaosi hot spring calculated by this study is approximately 11,780 CMD, which is lower than the value of 14,326 CMD by Yi-Lan County (2010), and 14,840 CMD by Chang (2000). The fluctuation of water pressures was consistent with rainfall suggest that the hot spring aquifer was not over-pumped during 2007-2012.