本研究主要在探討隔宿露營活動,對於國中學生品德教育─尊重、關懷是否有顯著影響。研究方法採單組前後測準實驗設計。以台南市十四間國中八年級學生為研究對象,共計407人,使用問卷調查法了解國中生在參與隔宿露營活動前後與品德教育的相關性,研究結果如下:一、隔宿露營活動實施前後比較,各項目皆有顯著差異。二、男性在參與活動後各項目上皆有顯著差異;女性則無顯著差異。三、非童軍社團成員在參與活動後各項目上有顯著差異。四、沒有露營經驗的學生在參與活動後各項目有顯著差異。五、女性在尊重他人、尊重環境與關懷環境上與男性有顯著差異。六、是否為童軍社團學生對於品德教育上部分有顯著差異。七、過去是否有露營經驗的學生在品德教育部分有顯著差異。基此,本研究建議校內各科課程設計可以比照露營活動的模式,著重讓學生體驗、互動的概念,進而提升學生品德教育上的表現。關鍵字:隔宿露營活動、尊重、關懷 The purpose of this study was trying to find the influence of camping on character education on junior high school students -- based on “Respect” and “Care.” The One-group Pretest-Posttest Design has been adopted in this study. The eighth graders of fourteen schools in Tainan City were the research target, who are 407 people in total. The evaluation tool for qualification in this study was based on the Respect and Care Program. Also, descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test, and independent sample t-test were used to see whether gender, scout participation, and camping experience affect the character education based on “Respect” and “Care”.The main findings are:1.After camping, the improvement of the test results by the objects of study on character education based on Respect and Care was remarkable. 2.Male students have great improvement on every respect after camping while female students don’t. 3.None-scout participation students have great improvement on every respect after camping. 4.Students without camping experience have great improvement on every respect after camping. 5.After camping, female students have significant differences from male students in respecting others, respecting the environment, and caring about the environment. Scouting students have significant differences from none-scouting students in character education. 6.Students with camping experience before have significant differences from those without camping experience in character education. Based on this, the research recommends that the curriculum design of the subjects in school adopt the mode of camping, which encourages students to experience and to interact with each other and finally promotes their characteristic performance.Key words: Overnight Camping, Respect, Care