溫泉泡湯已成為國人重要的休閒活動之一,民眾對溫泉促進健康與美容的效果已有所肯定。查針對溫泉健康促進之研究,以溫泉對身體的物理效應及化學效應研究最為豐富,對整體環境氣氛影響使用效益之研究較少,本研究希望應用音樂治療的原理,了解與探討音樂對溫泉健康促進之效益。本研究採用實驗分析法,將數據利用SPSS 12.0 for Windows進行資料統計分析。在浸泡溫泉時分別聆聽經過挑選的快板音樂與慢版音樂,以「ARDK經絡診斷儀」,測量實驗前、後十二經絡能量參數之變化,據以建議有利於泡湯場域聆聽的音樂類型。實驗結果顯示,音樂確實能在泡湯時對身體經絡產生效應,快板音樂介入溫泉浸泡時有消除疲勞提振精神的功效,但也具有增加緩和能量的作用,端看經絡本身的性質;而慢板音樂在浸泡溫泉時,則扮演提升振奮能量的角色。本研究並沒有對受試者的音樂背景與喜好作考量。其結果亦有可能受到當時的情緒和健康狀況而影響。 There are a lot of hot springs in Taiwan. Thus, the hot spring bathing spa is one of favorite leisure activities for Taiwanese. Regarding the studies of hot springs promoting health, most of them focused on the physical and chemical effects. Very few paid their attention on the hot spring environment. Therefore, this study was to apply the music therapy for investigating the effect of music on the health promotion of hot spring bathing spa.This study applied SPSS 12.0 to analyze the data collected by an Automatic Refelx Diagnostic Komplex (ARDK). The meridian data were colected before and after the subjects’ using hot spring bathing spa with and without listening to music for evaluating the benefits of music on the health promotion. Results showed that music can really have an effect on the body meridians while bathing SPA. Based on average physical analysis, the combination of allegro music and hot spring bathing spa has the effect of eliminating fatigue and boosting the spirit. By the data of meridian energy, allegro music not only can play the role of energy relaxation but also can boost the effectiveness of the spirit. In addition, lento music can also enhance the energy level. This study did not consider the musical background and preferences of the subjects. The results are also likely to be affected by the prevailing mood and health