近年來,欣賞風景又能放鬆身心的溫泉主題旅遊已蔚為國內旅遊風潮,然國內現有行動導覽系統服務中,甚少以單某一溫泉地區為主軸進行涵蓋景點資訊及旅遊生活資訊之全面性導覽介紹。瑞穗鄉堪稱是北回歸線上最美麗的鄉鎮,同時也擁有全國最大的溫泉區-瑞穗溫泉。本研究藉由SuperGIS Mobile Tour軟體進行瑞穗溫泉區旅遊及生活資訊導覽APP之建置,旨在提供遊客行動景點導覽,更完整提供溫泉區周圍之食、住、行、醫、樂等旅遊生活所需資訊,且利用QR Code免費提供遊客快速下載,旅遊結束後亦可快速卸載。本研究為此提出「針對個別景點或區域性觀光廊帶,建置並提供完整的景點解說及周遭生活資訊的適地性全面導覽資訊服務」之概念,可強化溫泉區觀光服務品質與內涵之軟實力,藉以提升知名度與競爭力。 In recent years, it has been popular for people in Taiwan to have a hot spring travel which could enjoy the scenery and relax. For now, lack of the main shaft of single hot spring region which includes the introduction of scenic spots, the information of traveling and living, these kinds of integrity guide introduction.Ruisui Township in Hualien County is called the most beautiful township on the tropic of Cancer. At the same time, it has the biggest hot spring area in Taiwan. This study will use the software “SuperGIS Mobile Tour” to build up an APP which provided travel information for Ruisui hot spring area. Action in providing tourists attractions tours, a more complete the food, shelter, transportation, medicine, playing all around the hot spring area. Use QR code to provide the tourists downloading, after the end of the tour can quickly unload.This study presents” for individual attractions or regional tourism, build and provide a complete explanation and location-based attractions around life information navigation information service”. This can enhance the soft power of the hot spring area with a connotation of tourism service quality in order to enhance the visibility and competitiveness.