本研究成果顯示,影片教學能在短時間提升多面向的溫泉相關知識,可在參觀溫泉區或在關子嶺遊客中心,播放專屬於關子嶺溫泉的影片,可在短時間內提升對關子嶺溫泉的認識。在溫泉旅館、泡湯區,增設觀賞關子嶺溫泉影片地點,使泡溫泉時,不只提升身心舒暢度,更提升對關子嶺溫泉之認知。 The water quality is special in Guanziling area. In the Japanese occupation era, Guanziling, Beitou, Yangmingshan and Sihjhongsi were famous as the four best hot spring areas in Taiwan. Guanzihling Hot Spring area is classified as "highly developed used hot spring area". Most visitors to hot spring area, just have a quick glance and not understand the reasons for generating spring, so that they don’t take benefits from the hot spring efficiently and effectively. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how to deepen the knowledge of Guanziling Hot Spring area in a short time.In this study, elementary school children of Xinhua Area in Tainan City are used as objects by convenience sampling. This study analyzed the results of the questionnaires taken before and after the video tutorial. The results show the: (A) After watching the video of Guanziling Hot Spring the testers show significant differences in the understanding of springs. (B)There were significant differences between the genders,different backgrounds, and their favorite recreation. (C)There is no significant difference about the knowledge of hot springs in between different bathing experiences.This study results show that the video tutorial can improve multi-faceted knowledge of hot springs in a short time. It’s suggested to play Guanziling Hot Spring videos in Guanziling Visitor Center in order to enhance the understanding. Moreover, it may enhance the physical and mental relaxation and the understanding of Guanziling Hot Spring increasing the locations of watching the video, such as in the spa hotels, or in the bathing areas.