摘要: | 台灣休閒農場已逐漸形成一種旅遊的新風潮。休閒農場經營管理所面臨的各式工作中,對於遊客需求的採礦和市場行銷策略的擬定是十分重要的。本研究即以解析新加坡華人於休閒農場旅遊市場分析出發,藉由產品銷售效益分析休閒農場市場區隔和定位,探討休閒農場區隔市場之基礎遊客分布,並分析新加坡華人旅遊區隔市場的需求特性;同時也進一步討論休閒農場(台南市新化區大坑農場)之新加坡華人旅遊市場之銷售現況、市場定位與客群需求態勢,依此分析休閒農場市場行銷策略的應用。依據描述性統計分析,進行台南休閒農場主要接待新加坡來台旅客之統計資料做整體描述,發現女生族群較喜歡來台灣休閒農場旅遊,而農場的餐飲對於新加坡華人是較具吸引力的,對於產品銷售效益的資料統計更可發現 : 新加坡華人對於休閒農場旅遊較喜歡以套裝行程為購買方式,在住宿、餐飲、設施、活動上之不同社經背景變項的受訪者更呈現不同需求的顯著差異,透過專家深入訪談之方式,發掘台灣休閒農場經營現況和市場開發所遇見之問題和困境。運用產品銷售效益變項建構之市場開發定位分析能合理呈現市場需求,更能顯現出不同休閒農場在遊客心中的市場定位以及彼此間的消費區隔現況,分析結果有助於休閒農場經營管理者配合資源特色,進行市場策略上調整和精準投入成本以開發更具規模的市場。 Taiwan’s leisure farms in Taiwan has gradually formed a new wave of tourism. Leisure farm operators facing, all kinds of distress, mining and marketing strategy intended for the needs of tourists is very important. In this study, in order to resolve the Singapore Chinese at Leisure Farm tourism market analysis starting by product sales benefit analysis the leisure farm market segmentation and positioning, to explore the basis of the leisure the farm market segments of tourists distribution, and analysis of the Singapore Chinese tourism market segment needs characteristics; also further discuss the three major southern Taiwan leisure Farm (Tai Hang farms, Nan Yuan Garden leisure Farm with Long Yun leisure Farm) Singapore Chinese tourism market sales status of market positioning and customer groups demand trend, so the analysis of the leisure Farm the application of the marketing strategy. Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, Southern Taiwan's main reception the Singapore Visitors leisure farm statistics do overall description can be found in the ethnic group of girls prefer to travel to Taiwan Leisure Farm, farm catering for the Chinese in Singapore more attractive,for effective information product sales statistics can be found: the Singapore Chinese like to packages for the purchase of for leisure farm tourism than to reveal the different needs of accommodation, catering, facilities, and activities of different socio-economic background variables of the respondentssignificant differences, in-depth interviews with experts, met to explore the status and market development in southern Taiwan leisure Farm Management issues and dilemmas. Product sales benefit becomes the Market Development positioning of the items constructed analysis of the reasonable market demand can be presented to better show the leisure farm market position in the hearts of tourists as well as the consumer segment between the current situation, the results can help managers Leisure Farmwith the resource characteristics, marketing strategy adjustment and the precise input costs, the development of a larger scale market. |