移動式起重機職災害的發生經常造成人員傷亡及財產損失,使社會付出慘痛代價,因此如何防範其發生為重要之職業安全議題。本研究係探討移動式起重機職災害發生的原因,依科學方法分析並尋求改善對策。研究中首先蒐集國、內外相關文獻,包括各國政府訂定的法規、各協會或教育訓練機構提出之標準操作程序,以及業主或施工單位監工人員對操作人員在現場施工之要求事項。接著,針對國內與移動式起重機相關之生產製造、施工人員、教育訓練實施人員與學界研究人員等對象進行問卷與分析,了解災害發生原因、種類、危害程度與防範方法;同時了解企業對於起重機安全相關問題重視程度與實際推行成效。在改善對策方面除了政府從政策面訂定更嚴謹可行的法規外,相關人員(業主、現場監工與操作人員)必須做好萬全的準備來因應;施工後亦必須進行善後工作。最終目標為將災害降到最小,維護勞工及社會安全。 The injuries of staffs and properties resulted from the occupational accidents of the mobile cranes can also cause the painful expense of the society; hence they must be prevented. In this paper, the causes of the accidents due to mobile cranes were analyzed by scientific method, and the prevention strategies were sought. Firstly, the related references, such as the rules and the standard operation guidelines for foreign and domestic countries were collected. Then, the questionnaires were made by the operating staffs, the supervisor, and the researcher to understand the degree that the related supervising units and personnel pay attention to and the effect of carried out on the laborer safe. The government must set up relating rules. At the same time, the staffs must have complete preparation before the engineering is carried out. The object is to reduce the injuries to a minimum degree, and keep the laborer and society safe.