摘要: | 隨著時代的變遷,現今許多退休人士對於庭園景觀規劃的概念與需求也逐漸提升,而庭園景觀規劃已經不再局限於植物的栽種與配置。對於木材、石材、盆器、藝術品、光景和音景等設施元素的配置,和景觀已密不可分,生活週遭環境多了植物與景觀的元素不僅能襯托出建築物的美,塵囂中更增添幾許悠閒的氣氛。因此,透過退休人士和庭園景觀風格與設施之間的探討,瞭解其偏好的程度,以提供庭園景觀規劃之業者與相關部門作為改善與再發展之參考。 本研究旨在探討退休人士對於庭園景觀偏好是否有顯著影響,故利用問卷調查法,針對南台灣(高屏地區)之退休人士,採立意抽?,施測時間自民國103年2月15日至民國103年3月6日止,共二十天,共發放205份問卷,有效問卷為205份。根據問卷填答結果,使用SPSS 17.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行統計處理,以了解退休人士以及不同人口特性、動機與經驗、退休後休閒活動等各類變項對於庭園景觀偏好的影響。 研究結果摘要如下:一、退休人士以女性居多;年齡多介於50-54歲;目前可支配所得以70,000元以上居多;退休前職業則以服務業居多;退休時年齡多介於45-49歲;教育程度以高中職居多;婚姻狀況方面以已婚居多;健康狀況以很好居多;居住型態則以與家人同住居多。二、在消費者人口特性,包括性別、年齡、目前可支配所得、退休前職業、退休時年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、健康狀況、居住型態在庭園景觀風格與設施的偏好有顯著影響。三、在動機與經驗方面,包括消費經驗、消費動機、消費金額、DIY經驗、DIY動機、DIY消費金額、在庭園景觀風格與設施的偏好有顯著影響。四、在退休後休閒類型與頻率方面,包括退休後休閒類型、退休後休閒活動頻率在庭園景觀風格與設施的偏好有顯著影響。 As time changes, people who retired had improved their knowledge about garden planning and not just about how to plant. Woods, stones, bamboo, art, lighting, architect and landscape were inseparable. The environment with plants and landscape not only bring out the beauty of the structure, but also the relaxing atmosphere. Therefore, the discussion with the retirees about garden planning and style, understand their habit was to provide information to related industry for improvement. The purpose of this research was to investigate the preference of garden landscape from the retirees and used questionnaire focused on southern Taiwan and picked retirees as samples. The total questionnaire hand out was 205 copies, and the useful questionnaire got back was 205. The questionnaires took 20 days, between year 103, February 15th to year 103 March 6th. According to the solution from questionnaires, and used SPSS 17.0 for description statistic, independent sample t test, 1-way analysis of variance to gather up and understand the retirees from different places, motivation, experience and garden planning preference, and activities after retired. The research summaries are the following:1.Most retirees were females; they were between 50 to 54 years old and had more than seventy thousand dollars on hand; the job they had before retired were in services industry; their retired age were between 45 to 49, their education were at least high school; most of these people were married; had healthy body; and living with their family.2.The consumer characteristic included gender, age, amount of money to spend, career before retirement, retired ages, education, marriage, health and living style all influence the garden landscape and facilities.3.In the motivation and experience include consuming experience, consuming motivation, consuming amount, DIY experience, DIY motivation and DIY consuming amount all influence the living in garden landscape and facilities.4.The frequency after retirement including types of entertainment and frequency of entertainment which both influence the garden landscape and facilities. |