台灣面臨經濟轉型後開始著重觀光行銷,實施周休二日政策後國人開始注重旅遊休閒。近年政府開始開放大陸客來台觀光,各縣市政府觀光局開始著重行銷,使觀光產業進入「行銷戰」。在「黃金十年、國家願景」政策中,「活力經濟」之促進就業方案中提出:縮短法定工時,推動週休二日,因此台灣觀光產業隨政策引導而蓬勃發展,本研究地點之日月潭,為台灣地區最富盛名之國家風景區。本研究以日月潭五星級飯店遊客為研究對象,採便利抽樣法,利用問卷為研究工具。經分析結果顯示,消費者不同背景資料之「性別」對各構面無顯著差異;「教育程度」對各構面有顯著差異;「年齡」對各構面有顯著差異;「目前居住地」對各構面有顯著差異;「每月平均收入」對各構面有顯著差異;「職業」對各構面有顯著差異;「旅遊形式」對各構面有顯著差異;「蒞臨本飯店次數」對各構面有顯著差異。本研究提出三點結果與建議,分別為:提供消費者搭乘及轉乘大眾交通工具之優惠活動、針對不同消費族群提供更多規劃套裝行程,以增加溫泉飯店行銷策略之通路,吸引更多外地觀光客造訪與提供不同價位產品以提高消費者重遊意願。 Taiwan is facing economic transformation, began to focus on tourism marketing and people start to focus on travel and leisure when the government implement of the policy weekends. In recent years, the government began allowing mainland tourists to Taiwan. Local bureaus began to focus on marketing, and the tourism industry into the "marketing war". The government recently announced "Golden Decade, the National Vision" policy.Vision of a policy which"economic vitality" scheme to promote employment of five spindle proposed: to shorten the statutory working hours amd promote policy weekends, the tourism industry because the policy guidance and flourish. Besides, Sun-Moon Lake is the most famous national scenic area in Taiwan.In this study, research subjects were the visitors ever been to five-star hotel in Sun-Moon Lake by convenience sampling using the questionnaire. The results showed that: 1.The degree of consumers from different “gender” backgrounds are no significant difference. 2. The degree of consumers from different “education level” backgrounds are significant differences. 3. The degree of consumers from different “age” backgrounds are significant differences. 4. The degree of consumers from different “resident” backgrounds are significant differences. 5. The degree of consumers from different “monthly income” backgrounds are significant differences. 6. The degree of consumers from different “occupation” backgrounds are significant differences. 7. The degree of consumers from different “forms of tourism ”backgrounds are significant differences. 8. The degree of consumers from different “frequency of visiting hotel” backgrounds are significant differences.This result showed that: 1. Providing mass consumer take-and-ride transport promotions. 2. Providing more planning packages for different consumer groups and marketing strategies to increase accessto attract more foreign tourists to visithot spring hotel. 3. Offering different price of products to improve consumer revisit intention.