在競爭激烈的美容市場裡,如何提升顧客的保留率是業者必須努力的方向。良好的關係品質對於維繫忠誠的顧客具有關鍵的影響;然而要如何透過提供優質的服務來提升與顧客間的關係品質對於美容業者而言仍是亟需學習的課題。本研究的目的就是從消費者角度來探討服務品質的三個構面:環境品質、互動品質、結果品質對於顧客滿意、顧客信任以及顧客承諾的影響。本研究以問卷調查法來進行,問卷發放的主要對象為18- 60歲、曾到美容沙龍消費過的女性消費者。問卷發放地點為台南市區多間美容沙龍和美髮工作室,總計發放450之問卷。問卷回收後,並利用結構方程模式(SEM)來進行相關檢測。研究結果顯示:服務品質構面中的環境品質對關係品質之顧客滿意、信任不具有顯著的影響;互動品質則會正向影響顧客滿意、信任;且結果品質亦對顧客滿意、信任有顯著的正向影響。此外,顧客滿意與顧客信任皆會正向影響顧客承諾。 In the fiercely competitive beauty industry, how to enhance customer retention is the critical objective for the practitioners to achieve. Excellent relationship quality has critical impacts on retaining loyal customers. Nevertheless, how to improve the relationship quality with customers through providing excellent service quality is still a crucial issue for the practitioners. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of the three dimensions of service quality, i.e. environment quality, interaction quality, and outcome quality on customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Data were collected via structured questionnaires distributed to female consumers who are aged 18 to 60 and have ever patronized in a beauty salon in Tainan. A total number of 450 questionnaires were distributed. After excluding 45 non-usable data, the final sample size of this study was 405. The hypotheses were tested by applying structural equation modeling using the AMOS 20. The results indicate that interaction quality has positive impacts on customer satisfaction and trust. Outcome quality is shown to have positive impacts on customer satisfaction and trust as well. Furthermore, customer satisfaction and trust are found to be positively associated with commitment.