本研究以北投地區四口溫泉監測井進行水質調查、井溫剖面量測、水位及水溫監測。其研究目的在於建立本區水文地質之概念模式,了解此四口井之水質、地溫分布、水位水溫與降雨是否相關。本區的補注來源應來自北邊及東邊之山區(大屯山、七星山及紗帽山),地下水應由北往南及西南流。數據顯示有明顯的降雨補注,水位隨著降雨而升高。此四口井的導電度都不高,約在370-600?S/㎝,三口井pH6-8為中性,其中14號井pH4.0偏酸性。地溫梯度介於0.005-0.72℃/m,以14號井的地溫梯度最高,推測火山氣體沿破裂帶進入含水層,使pH變小、地溫梯度變大。水位與降雨的關係由101年至102年之監測資料指出,當降雨量增加,監測井之水位亦有明顯上升,可得知降雨量對於監測井的水位有明顯的影響。水溫與降雨的關係由101年至102年之監測資料指出,14號井水溫受降雨影響較顯著,12、13、16號監測井之水溫不易受降雨影響(<0.1℃)。 The purpose of this study is to monitor water pressure and temperature of a total of 4 wells in the Beitou and Xingyilu hot springs for providing data for hot spring water resource management. I measure the temperature profiles, and collect data of water pressure, temperature, pH and electrical conductivities and propose a conceptual model of hot spring aquifer. The recharge area of hot spring water came from northern and eastern part of the Datun and Chihsingshan mountains. The hot water flows to the south through the aquifer. The data show water pressures were increased while there had rainfalls that suggests the hot spring aquifer is connected with the recharge area. The electric conductivities of hot spring water are 370-600 μS/cm with pH 4-8. There is only one well with pH <4. The geothermal gradient ranges from 0.005 to 0.72 ℃/m. The well with the highest geothermal gradient is near the outcrops of volcanic fumerals which is one of the water sources for Beitou hot spring. The relationship between the temperature of water of monitoring wells and rainfall: according to the surveillance data from 2012 to 2013, there were more significant correlation between the temperature of water of number fourteen well and rainfall than other wells. That is, comparing with number fourteen well, the temperature of water of the number twelve, thirteen and sixteen well were less correlated with rainfall(<0.1℃)